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Postcode: 4122 | Distance to CBD: 12 km

Welcome to Wishart

Suburb of Wishart
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A residential suburb in Brisbane's south, Wishart is very conveniently located and well served with facilities including excellent bus transport, schools and shopping centres.

Two of Brisbane's major shopping centres, Garden City and Carindale are only a short trip away and residents can get around easily on the nearby Pacific and Gateway Motorways.

Popular recreational areas include the Boorabbin Picnic Grounds in Stackpole Street along Bulimba Creek and the nearby Mt Gravatt Showgrounds with their Sunday morning markets.


Wishart is about 10km from Brisbane’s CBD. Over 50% of households in this area are comprised of couples with children and a further 13% are single parent families. Stand alone houses account for over 84% of all dwellings, with townhouses accounting for a further 5%. The homes in this area were generally constructed in the 1940s, 50s and 60s however there are some newer homes in the area.

Local Events

Find out about events planned in and around this suburb. You can list your own events in our Brisbane-wide events calendar for free.

Eating and drinking
There are plenty of dining options around Wishart. If you’re looking for a local café, take-away, pub or restaurant you’ll find it here.
There’s good local shopping at the Shillington Close shops or Civic fair on Newnham Road. Garden City at Upper Mount Gravatt is only a short trip away. You’ll have no problems shopping in this area.
If you're looking for playgroups, childcare, kindergartens or schools in this area, you'll find them here.
Check out this section for things to do in your spare time. There's sport, leisure activities, local events and more.

More Wishart information

REIQ Profile

Take a look at REIQ's real estate profile. You can find suburb statistics, get a feel for its "character" and check out the median house prices and rents.


Learn about the Aboriginal history, urban development, notable residents and landmarks of the area.

Pocket Neighbourhood Guide

Your neighbourhood at a glance. Discover the secrets of the local area... as well as what makes it special.

Wishart tales

Wishart photos

Community links

Here's where to find important community services in this part of Brisbane.

Real Estate values for Wishart
Median house price
3-bedroom house rental price
2-bedroom unit rental price
Median house price for September 2008 supplied by The Real Estate Institute of Qld
Rental price for September 2008 supplied by Residential Tenancies Authority
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