Sunnybank Hills

Postcode: 4109 | Distance to CBD: 14 km

Welcome to Sunnybank Hills

House in Sunnybank Hills

Sunnybank Hills in Brisbane's south has a large Asian population (over 40% of residents were born overseas) and the suburb and surrounds have wonderful Asian restaurants and shops.

There’s a library at the Sunnybank Hills Shopping Centre on the corner of Compton and Calam Roads and residents have bus and train public transport services and a number of schools available both within the suburb and in surrounding suburbs.

The South East Freeway, Pacific Motorway and Gateway Motorway are all very close making travelling to the city and to the south and north coasts an easy drive.


Sunnybank Hills is about 14km from Brisbane’s CBD. Over 51% of households in the area are couples with children, 31% are couples without children and 14% are single parent households. 88% of the dwellings in this area are stand-alone houses, and townhouses account for another 8%. The houses are mainly modern brick and tile houses but there are a sprinkling of post-war weatherboard homes in the area too. There are plenty of parks and greenspaces in the area.

Local Events

Find out about events planned in and around this suburb. You can list your own events in our Brisbane-wide events calendar for free.

Eating and drinking
There are plenty of great dining options in and around Sunnybank Hills. If you’re looking for a local café, take-away, pub or restaurant you’ll find it here.
Sunnybank Hills Shopping Centre on Hellawell Road and Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown on Compton Road will cover all your weekly shopping needs. If you’re after specialty stores, head over to Garden City at Upper Mount Gravatt.
If you're looking for playgroups, childcare, kindergartens or schools in this area, you'll find them here.
Check out this section for things to do in your spare time. There's sport, leisure activities, local events and more.

Ken says: Sunnybank Hills offers a whole range of lifestyles for people to choose from, whether you're young or old everyone can benefit from the infrastructure.

More Sunnybank Hills information

REIQ Profile

Take a look at REIQ's real estate profile. You can find suburb statistics, get a feel for its "character" and check out the median house prices and rents.


Learn about the Aboriginal history, urban development, notable residents and landmarks of the area.

Pocket Neighbourhood Guide

Your neighbourhood at a glance. Discover the secrets of the local area... as well as what makes it special.

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Real Estate values for Sunnybank Hills
Median house price
$564,000 ˜
Price change over quarter
3-bedroom house rental price
no data available
2-bedroom unit rental price
no data available
Median house price for March 2010 supplied by The Real Estate Institute of Qld
Rental price for March 2010 supplied by Residential Tenancies Authority

˜ Medians affected by varying quality of stock sold

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