Mission Center: The Episcopal Church: Partnerships

Global Mission Networks and Organizations

Episcopalians and Anglicans around the world have started faith-based organizations to carry out God’s work in the world. These networks connect individuals and groups that are active in global mission, helping them provide loans to small businesses in needy countries, to bring doctors to those with no access to medical care, and to more effectively support places of higher learning. By working together, we strengthen the relationships between the Episcopal Church and other dioceses and provinces of the Anglican Communion. By reaching out, we can form new communities, learn from one another, and assist each other in times of need. Listed below are some of the Episcopal Church Global Mission Networks andOrganizations:

African Palms
African Palms USA has the unique mission of turning an African product (a simple palm cross) into a source of income and humanitarian aid for Africa; a partnership between Masasi in southeastern Tanzania and St. John's Episcopal Church in Olney, Maryland.

African Team Ministries
As an intermediary ministry between African and American churches of the Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican denominations, African Team Ministries provides funds for orphan and refugee relief, missions and evangelism in East Africa.

American Committee for KEEP (Kyosato Educational Experiment Project)
The American Committee for KEEP, Inc., supports the work in agriculture, education, health and Christian democracy begun by Paul Rusch, an American lay missionary, in rural Japan in 1938. ACK seeks to promote world peace through building bridges of understanding among rural people of Japan, the Philippines and the USA.

American Friends of the Episcopal Church of Sudan

American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
A non-profit, non-political partnership nurturing the Church in the Holy Land as we seek to serve our Lord’s command to heal the sick, feed the hungry, shelter the orphaned, soothe the suffering, teach the Truth and preach the Gospel.

Anglican Frontier Missions

Church Periodical Club
Church Periodical Club is an Episcopal institution whose ministry is to supply books, magazines, tapes, videos and computer programs free to those who cannot otherwise obtain them, and to raise the money to achieve this.

El Hogar Projects
The mission of El Hogar Projects is to provide a loving home and education in a Christian environment for abandoned, orphaned and hopelessly poor children, enabling them to fulfill their ultimate potential as productive human beings in Honduras.

Episcopal Medical Missions Foundation
An effort on the part of health professionals and other lay members of the Episcopal Church to organize and augment the support of our medical missionaries as they deliver medical and spiritual aid in mission stations of Honduras, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nigeria and Uganda.

Episcopal Partnership for Global Mission
As a working partnership among approximately 50 organizations -- congregations, dioceses, voluntary agencies, networks and Executive Council -- the Episcopal Partnership for Global Mission (EPGM) seeks to enable all Episcopalians to participate in God's global mission.

Five Talents International
Five Talents Internationa is an Anglican initiative to combat poverty in developing countries using micro-enterprise development.

Friends of Cuttington College
This organization serves as a fund-raising and advocacy group for Cuttington University College in Liberia, founded by the Episcopal Church in 1889. Despite years of civil war, the college endures as one of the few liberal arts institutions in sub-Saharan Africa.

Global Episcopal Mission (GEM) Network
This association of dioceses of the Episcopal Church is committed to increasing the awareness and participation of congregations in global mission, as well as the engagement of bishops and other diocesan leadership.

Global Outreach for Addiction Leadership and Learning (GOAL) Ministries
GOAL Project is an Anglican mission agency. GOAL trainers provide pastoral care seminars for clergy and Christian recovery from addiction training in the USA as well as internationally.

Haiti Connection
A network of Episcopal groups and related organizations that are active in Haiti share experiences of mission and ministry in Haiti, explore resources, build relationships and express their solidarity with the people of Haiti.

Matthew 25 Ministries
Matthew 25 Ministries is an international humanitarian relief organization helping the poorest of the poor locally, regionally, nationally and internationally regardless of race, creed or political persuasion. By rescuing and reusing products from major corporations, manufacturers, hospitals and individuals, Matthew 25: Ministries provides basic necessities, skill development and disaster relief across the US and worldwide.

Miami Valley Episcopal Russian Network (MVERN)
The mission of the Miami Valley Episcopal Russian Network (MVERN) is to foster a spiritual partnership between St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Sablino, Russia, and the parishes participating in MVERN. Activities supporting this partnership include prayer, learning about each other’s traditions and ministry, exchanges of parish information, visits of clergy and laypersons between Sablino and MVERN parishes, and support with finances, supplies, and equipment as appropriate.

Partners-in-Ministry-in-Liberia (PIMIL)
Partners-in-Ministry-in-Liberia (PIMIL) was established in 2005 at St. Matthews Episcopal Church in Westerville, OH.  It was established to continue the missionary efforts of parish member, The Rev. Abeoseh (Abby) Flemister who had served in Liberia from 1997-2004 until she retired from active ministry in Liberia.  PIMIL is the coming together of individuals and organizations in the United States to support Liberian children in their educational needs.  According to statistics published by UNESCO in 2004, only approximately 65% of primary school age and 24% of secondary age children were enrolled in school due to the economic conditions of the country.  PIMIL is in place to bridge that gap through individual student tuition sponsorship.  School tuition starts at US $100 per year for Primary school and increases by educational level. 

Seamen’s Church Institute
From its earliest days as a floating chapel to its present operation as a full-service shorebased agency, the Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey has been serving the special needs of the world's merchant mariners and the maritime industry.

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge – SPCK/USA
The purpose of SPCK/USA, with roots firmly in the Anglican Communion, is to enable Christians in their indigenous churches to grow in faith and knowledge. SPCK/USA supports projects for the creation, preparation, and distribution of Christian knowledge by utilizing print and other media.

South American Missionary Society (SAMS)
SAMS-USA is a voluntary mission society of the Episcopal Church that has 50 long-term missionaries serving in Latin America and Spain, focusing on evangelism, church planting, and a wide range of social ministries. SAMS offers opportunities for short-term missionary service, as well.

Trinity Grants Program
For more than 30 years, Trinity Grants has channeled resources from New York City throughout the Episcopal Church and worldwide. Strengthening the Church in the Global South and Telecommunications in the Anglican Communion are particular areas of focus.

Uganda Christian University Partners
A U.S. non-profit charitable organization committed to help build up Uganda Christian University through raising public awareness, prayer, procuring funds for further construction, and providing scholarships.


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