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  • Journal of Music Theory

    Academic Editor(s): Ian Quinn
    Current Volume: 53
    Frequency: Two issues annually
    ISSN: 0022-2909
    e-ISSN: 0022-2909
    View Online
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  • Editorial Office:
    Department of Music
    Yale University
    P.O. Box 208310
    New Haven, CT 06520-8310
    203-432-2983 (fax)

    Ian Quinn, Yale University

    Associate Editors:
    Richard Cohn, Yale University
    Daniel Harrison, Yale University
    Brian Kane, Yale University
    Patrick McCreless, Yale University
    Ève Poudrier, Yale University

    Assistant Editor:
    Christopher Brody

    Editorial Board:
    Richard Cohn, chair
    Mark Anson-Cartwright
    Jennifer Bain
    Robert O. Gjerdingen
    Dora Hanninen
    Catherine Losada
    Danuta Mirka
    Steven Rings
    David Temperley
    Jonathan Wild
    Marek Žabka

    Abstractors and Indexers:

    Indexed/abstracted in the following: International Index to Music Periodicals, ISI Arts & Humanities Citation Index, The Music Index, and RILM: Abstracts of Music Literature.

  • JMT welcomes submissions in all areas of music theory. We prefer pieces of a moderate length (5,000–10,000 words, including notes). Submissions accepted for publication must conform to the JMT style sheet.

    Citations. JMT uses in-text parenthetical citations, following the author-date style of reference detailed in The Chicago Manual of Style, fifteenth edition, and the style sheet. When citing three or fewer works, use in-text parenthetical citations; footnotes should reserved for discursive notes or omnibus citations. In any case, notes should be kept to a minimum. Never use a note for three or fewer citations without some discursive annotation more substantial than "In this connection, see . . ." or the like.

    Submission format. We prefer that manuscripts be submitted by e-mail in PDF format to the editorial office, according to the following guidelines:

    1. Double-space everything, including notes and references.

    2. Use footnotes rather than endnotes.

    3. Place "floats" (musical examples, tables, figures, etc.) in the text, or between pages of text, rather than at the end. (All floats must be provided separately in the final electronic copy; see below.) There are two options for numbering floats:
    (a) Call everything an "example" and number them sequentially throughout the article. (b) Use separate numbering sequences for different categories of floats. Use the following categories: "Example" (score excerpts [scanned or transcribed], reductions, and voice-leading graphs), "Table" (tabular text only), "Figure" (anything else). No other categories are acceptable.

    If a PDF cannot be supplied, please send three paper copies prepared in accordance with these guidelines to the mailing address below.

    Manuscript submission for accepted articles. Authors of accepted articles will be required to provide copy in one of the following formats: plain text, RTF, or Microsoft Word. Special typefaces, mathematical type, or in-text graphics must be prepared in consultation with the editor. Matters of style are referred to The Chicago Manual of Style, fifteenth edition, as modified by our style sheet, which governs musical terms of art and specifies our citation style.

    Review process. All submissions are peer-reviewed by masthead editors of JMT. Authors wishing to remain strictly anonymous are responsible for ensuring blind review by not identifying themselves in their manuscripts. Decisions are normally made within six months of manuscript delivery. Referees are asked to answer the following three sets of questions in their reports:

    1. What are the submission's primary aims and scope? How worthy are these goals, in light of JMT's mission to present music-theoretical research that has important applications in the analysis of music or the history of music theory or that engages and stimulates ongoing discourse in areas of vital disciplinary interest?

    2. How original is the submission? Does it appropriately account for and rely on prior scholarship in the area?

    3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the submission's methodology and presentation? Are there specific revisions that would be necessary to bring the submission in line with its aims and scope?

    Copyright issues. JMT requires that authors assign their copyright to the journal once an article has been accepted. We cannot consider articles that are under review with other publications or publishers in any form, nor will we grant permission to reprint an article in a book within a year of publication in JMT. Authors are responsible for securing permission for reprinting copyrighted material quoted or otherwise used in their work.

    All inquiries about JMT's content and editorial policies may be made to the editor at jmt.editor@yale.edu or at the editorial mailing address, to which all paper manuscripts should be sent:

    Ian Quinn, Editor
    Journal of Music Theory
    P.O. Box 208310
    New Haven, CT 06520-8310

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  • Rates

    1/2 B/W - 4 1/2" x 3 15/16": $210
    Full B/W - 4 1/2" x 7 7/8" : $350
  • Closing Dates

    Spring 2011 (54:1) - Closes 02/24/11
    Fall 2011 (54:2) - Closes 06/23/11
  • Individual Access Instructions

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    1. Visit dukejournals.org/subscriptions.
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  • Description

    Founded by David Kraehenbuehl at Yale University in 1957, the Journal of Music Theory is the oldest music-theory journal now published in the United States. Originally a publication of the Yale School of Music, where it was officially housed for many years, JMT has always been edited by scholars associated with Yale's Department of Music, a relationship formalized in the last decade with JMT's move to the department. As the journal enters its second half century, the editors look forward to maintaining a tradition of publishing the best peer-reviewed research in the discipline.

    The Journal of Music Theory fosters conceptual and technical innovations in abstract, systematic musical thought and cultivates the historical study of musical concepts and compositional techniques. The journal publishes research with important and broad applications in the analysis of music and the history of music theory as well as theoretical or metatheoretical work that engages and stimulates ongoing discourse in the field. While remaining true to its original formalist outlook, the journal also addresses the influences of philosophy, mathematics, computer science, cognitive sciences, and anthropology on music theory.

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