

The proposed Fund Facts dumbs down risk disclosure to a few words, rendering it almost meaningless -- and dangerous



A little more interest might pique kids' interest

You think seniors have a hard time accepting today’s low interest rates on their savings? Try telling...

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Jonathan Chevreau launches a series on trends in the financial services industry to provide a safer ...

Family Finance



A little more interest might pique kids' interest

You think seniors have a hard time accepting today’s low interest rates on their savings? Try telling...

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Television at the crossroads: core business model might be a thing of the past

While everybody is busy running over to their favourite consumer electronics store to pick up a 3-D television (btw, is it just me or do those glasses make all of us look like the love child of Karl Lagerfeld and Roy Orbison?), it seems like the television industry -much like all of the traditional media channels -also struggles to define its place with viewers while grappling with a future of digitization, media fragmentation and uncertainty.


Skills squeeze is around the corner

While unemployment is dropping, it's still a big preoccupation, a fact underlined yesterday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which warned that governments mustn't take their focus off joblessness just because there's a recovery.

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