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@ iamb community Newsletter

The FTN Newsletter keeps Former trainee Network members up-to-date with upcoming events, conferences, news from MAIB activities: Training, Research and Cooperation, and the world of Mediterranean Agricultural Studies and recent publications. It is published quarterly and posted to members in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

FTN board welcomes contributions from Members and those who have news which will be of interest to FTN community and MAIB staff.

Your feedback and contributions for future FTN newsletter editions will be greatly appreciated. You can email us with your contribution by submitting materials, publications, notice of events, news and documents to : infoftn@iamb.it 

Newsletter evaluation
Dear reader,
We are curious to know what you think about our Newsletter. It will be greatly appreciable If you could simply answer the
survey or send us your comments and feedback to infoftn@iamb.it.
Thank you for your collaboration!

Evaluation link:

FTN Newsletter




Year 2011

Issue 3 Fall

For the full text of this Issue: 

pdf format
xps format



Issue 2 Summer

For the full text of this Issue: 


pdf format
xps format



Issue 1 Spring

For the full text of this Issue: 

pdf format
xps format

Subscribe to FTN newsletter (Newsletter subscription doesn't mean FTN membership)

FTN Forum (Follow-up Survey and Newsletter subscription are mandatory before  FTN Forum registration)

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