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Get quality business information with a
Hoover's Subscription Free Trial.

When you combine a Hoover's subscription with ConnectMail, powered by Jigsaw, you get real email and phone numbers and the business intelligence you need to help you craft the perfect email.

With a Hoover's subscription you can research company history, get financial information and review the family tree. You'll also get contextual information about a prospects' competitors to let your prospects know, you know what you're doing.

Find top prospects then
contact them directly with ConnectMail.

Add ConnectMail to your subscription and get access to current phone numbers and emails for 7.5 million mid-to lower-level managers. And these are not one-time-use emails like the ones you get when you rent a list. With a Hoover's Subscription and ConnectMail emails are yours to use, over and over again.

Hoovers ConnectMail