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About our reviews

May 07, 2008

-- Dining Out reviews appear in the Wednesday Food section and the Sunday Chronicle Magazine. These are the restaurant's first review, and are based on at least three visits to the restaurant. We wait until the restaurant has been open at least a month before making the first visit.

-- Updates appear in the Wednesday Food section. These are revisits to previously reviewed restaurants, usually a couple of years after the initial review, or if there has been a chef change or significant revamp of menu or design. Because we have reviewed these restaurants before, Updates are usually based on one return visit, although reviewers will sometimes visit more.

-- Revisits appear at These are check-ins with previously reviewed restaurants where changes have been minimal.

-- What's New restaurant write-ups are not reviews, but rather are descriptions to let readers know what a newly opened place serves and looks like. These generally appear on Page F2.

-- Chronicle reviewers visit restaurants anonymously, and all meals are paid for by The Chronicle.

(C) San Francisco Chronicle 2008
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