Medieval Studies

The Bible and its Interpretation



Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, “La Bible latin des origines au moyen âge.  Aperçu historique, état des questions,” Revue théologique de Louvain 19 (1988), 137-59.

Bibliographie de Pierre-Maurice Bogaert.

The Vulgate:

Biblia Sacra Vulgata, ed. R. Weber and R. Gryson, 5th corr. ed. (2007).  The online version does not specify which edition is used; the text of the 4th ed. UIL has 4th ed., 220.47B471 CLR. Standard compact edition of Jerome’s Latin version, printed per cola et commata without punctuation.

Biblia Sacra iuxta Vulgatam latinam versionem (Rome, 1926-1987). q220.47B47 CLR.  Benedictine critical edition commissioned by the Vatican, valuable especially for full listing of variants readings. Consists of the Old Testament and Apocrypha supplemented by the Wordswort-White critical text of the New Testament.

Searchable on-line Vulgate (ARTFL).

Nouum Testamentum latine, ed. John Wordsworth and Henry White (Oxford, 1911). 225.47 B47191 CLR. Standard critical edition of theVulgate New Testament, valuable for its very full corpus of variants.

Biblia Sacra iuxta Vulgatam versionem (Madrid, 1953). Late (1590-92) Sixto-Clementine revision of the Vulgate, yet of value for medievalists because it represents a recension close to the later medieval “Paris text” of the Bible.  See also the online Clementine Vulgate Project.

For a searchable and browsable text of the Douay-Rheims English translation of the Vulgate, see Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible or The Bible in English.

Vetus Latina:

Vetus Latina: Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel (Beuron, 1951- ). Q.220.47B47 CLR. Critical edition in progress of pre-Vulgate testimonies. An on-line database is available through Brepols. The edition is supplemented by an important monograph series: Vetus Latina: Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel. 220.47 AU71 CLX. The home-page of the Beuron Vetus Latina project has many valuable resources.

Pierre Sabbathier, Bibliorum sacrorum latinae versiones antiquae, seu Vetus Italica, 3 vols. in 6 (Rheims 1739-49, Paris, 1751; rep. Turnhout, 1976). 000Film 8610 RBR reels 1,2,3. Pending completion of the Beuron edition, this is still the standard complete edition of the pre-Vulgate Latin texts.

On these and other versions of the Latin Bible relevant for medieval studies, see Kaske, Medieval Christian Literary Imagery, pp. 1-7; Berlioz, Identifier sources et citations, pp. 13-19.


Concordantiae Bibliorum Sacrorum iuxta Vulgatam versionem, 5 vols. (Stuttgart, 1977). q220.2F52n CLR. Note that the CLCLT database can in effect be used as a concordance to the Vulgate; there are also searchable Vulgate concordances on the internet.

Topical Indices:

Any topical analysis of the King James Bible (e.g., Hitchock’s New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible, sometimes printed together with Cruden’s Concordance) can effectively serve as a way to locate passages in the Vulgate according to topic (with the necessary converstion in titles of books and Psalm numbering). A topical index of concepts that includes the Bible is Mortimer J. Adler and William Gorman, ed., The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World, 2 vols. (Chicago, 1952). KRAUS 808.8 G7981952 RBR.  Detailed and highly-articulated topical indices (I: Angel to Love; II: Man to World) to the University of Chicago Great Books of the Western World series, includes the Bible (King James references) and Apocrypha.

The standard biblical encyclopedias can serve the same function. Some of the most valuable:

F. Vigouroux et al., Dictionnaire de la Bible, 10 vols. (Paris, 1899-1912) and Supplement (1928- ).

Gerhard Kittel, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, 5 vols., trans. and ed. Geoffrey W. Bromiley (Grand Rapids, MI, 1964- ). 225.3 K65tEb REF.

See also the major ecclesiastical encyclopedias listed in the separate bibliography on Medieval Christianity and Ecclesiastical Sources.

Biblical Prefaces:

S. Berger, “Les Préfaces jointes aux livres de la Bible dans les manuscrits de la Vulgate,” Mémoires présentés à la Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 1re série 11/2 (1904), 1-78.

D. De Bruyne, Préfaces de la Bible latine (Namur, 1920). FILM 220.7 B839P STX.

D. De Bruyne, Sommaires, divisions et rubriques de la Bible latine (Namur, 1914). Not in UIL.

Bibliographical Guides and Surveys of Scholarship:

David Lyle Jeffrey, ed., A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature (Grand Rapids, MI, 1992). 820.3 D561 EGR. Brief articles on a wide range of topics include select bibliography.

*André Vernet, La Bible au Moyen âge: Bibliographie (Paris, 1989). 016.22067V595B CLR. Comprehensive in scope, selective in coverage.

Hermann Josef Sieben, Exegesis Patrum. Saggio bibliografico sull’esegesi biblica dei Padri della Chiesa (Rome, 1983). Organized by biblical book and verse.  Not in UIL.

Latin Bible: Text and Reception. In progress on-line database focusing on evidence from Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England.

ATLA/ATLAS Religion database.

Serial bibliographies:

Paul-Émile Langevin, Bibliographie Biblique, I: 1930-70; II: 1930-1975; III: 1930-1983 (Québec, 1972-85). 016.22 L26b CLR, REF. Each volume lists general studies of biblical topics under the heading “Introduction to the Bible,” followed by references ordered sequentially by biblical books and passages, and concluded with sections on “Jesus Christ” and “Biblical Themes.” There is also a complete Index of Headings.

Elenchus of Biblica, ed. P. Nober and R. North. 016.22EL251 STX. See the sections Y1, History of Exegesis; Y2, The Latin Fathers, Y3, Exégèse médiévale and Medieval Exegetes.

Medioevo Latino. 016.9401 M469 CLR. See under “Fortleben. Biblia Sacra;” organized by biblical book or books beginning with “Pentateuchus”).

Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique. 270R328 STX (current issues in CLX). See section 3.A-B.

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovaniensis (1924- ). 282.05 EPH STX. Includes an annual Elenchus Bibliographicus now searchable online (UIL is not subscribed).

Bulletin signalétique: Histoire et sciences de religions (Paris, 1968- ). Q.016.2 B871a REX. See the sections Christianisme: Christianisme antique (Ier-VIe siècle), Église médiévale; Exégèse et critique biblique; and the Index du christianisme and Index biblique.

Bibliographia Patristica: Internationale Patristische Bibliographie (Berlin, 1959- ). 016.2811 B471 STX. Comprehensive coverage, but about 12 years behind; latest volume is 33/35 (1997 for 1988-90).

Bibliografia generale di storia dell’interpretazione biblica. Esegesi, ermeneutica, usi della Bibbia, Annal di storia dell’esegesi. Beginning with volume 7 (1990). Not in UIL.

Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie.  Use their Scripture References search tool to locate scholarship on specific biblical passages (see the online tutorial).

Codicology of the Medieval Bible:

Roger Gryson, Altateinische Handschriften. Manuscrits vieux latins. Répertoire descriptif, Première partie: MSS 1-275, Vetus Latina, Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel 1/2A (Freiburg, 1999). 220.47 AU71 CLX.

Bonifatius Fischer, Lateinische Bibelhandschriften im frühen Mittelalter, Vetus Latina, Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel 11 (Freiburg, 1885). 220.47 AU71 CLX.

Margaret T. Gibson, The Bible in the Latin West, The Medieval Book 1 (Notre Dame, 1993). Q.220.480902G358B HIX.

Richard Gameson, ed., The Early Medieval Bible: Its Production, Decoration, and Use (Cambridge, 1994). 220.0940902E76 ARX.

Christopher De Hamel, Glossed Books of the Bible and the Origins of the Paris Booktrade (Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1984). Q.070.5094436D365G STX; Z6 .D44 1984 Law.

Lesley Smith, Masters of the Sacred Page: Manuscripts of Theology in the Latin West to 1274 (Notre Dame, 2001).

V. Leroquais, Les psautiers, manuscrits latins des bibliothèques publiques de France (Mâcon, 1940-1). Q. A.223.5L56PPLATES RBR.

Note that catalogues of major manuscript collections often have volumes or sections of volume devoted to biblical manuscripts.

Bibliographies of Patristic and Medieval Commentaries:

Friedrich Stegmüller, Repertorium biblicum medii aevi, 11 vols. (Madrid, 1950- ). 220.2 St32r CLR. For an analysis of the series, see Kaske, Medieval Christian Literary Imagery, pp. 16-17. Vols 10-11 consist of a register of Initia.  The online version allows full-text as well as various field searches; commentaries on specific biblical books can be located by searching the abbreviated title.  See Stefan Büdenbender and Sabine Harwardt, “Chasing DTDs.  The Digital Edition of the Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi,” Literary and Linguistic Computing 20 (Supp. 1) (2005), 47-57.

E. Dekkers and A. Gaar, Clavis Patrum Latinorum, 3rd ed. (Turnhout, 1995). 016.2700922 D369C CLR. The standard guide to Christian-Latin writings through Bede. The “Index Systematicus” can be used to locate texts in particular genres, e.g. for commentaries on particular books of the Bible see under “Exegetica.” For important addenda see J. Verheyden, “The New Clavis Patrum Latinorum,” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovaniensis 73 (1997), 121-43; François Dolbeau, “Découvertes récentes d’oeuvres latines inconnues,” Sacris Erudiri 38 (1998-99), 101-42.

H. J. Frede, Kirchenschriftsteller. Verzeichnis und Sigel, 4th ed., Vetus Latina 1/1 (Freiburg, 1996). Q.220.47 B471949 v.1:1 ed. 3 CLR. Supplemented Roger Gryson, Aktualisierungsheft 2004 (Freiburg, 2004). Complements the Clavis Patrum; includes valuable notes on attribution of texts and on sources. Notes on individual authors and texts can be accessed via the Vetus Latina database (go to “Repertorium”). A .pdf file listing Frede’s abbreviations of authors and texts (rapidly becoming standard for patristic studies) is available on the Vetus Latina home-page.

Johannes Quasten, Patrology, 3 vols. (Westminster, MD, 1950- ); continued by Angelo Berardino, ed., Patrology, IV: The Golden Age of Latin Patristic Literature from the Council of Nicea to the Council of Chalcedon, trans. P. Solari (Westminster, MD, 1988). 281.1Q28p 1983 v. 4 STX. Along with the following item, the best handbook, with expert essays on major and minor Church Fathers and extensive bibliography.

Charles Kannengiesser, Handbook of Patristic Exegesis: The Bible in Ancient Christianity, 2 vols. (Leiden, 2004). 220.6K133h STX. More up-to-date than Quasten. Includes a survey of “Patristic Exegesis of the Books of the Bible” by D. L. Balás D. J. Bingham, pp. 271-373.

F. Cayré, Manual of Patrology, trans. H. Howitt, 2 vols. (Paris, 1936). 281.1 C31PEH STX. Dated, but useful as a survey that continues through theologians of the later Middle Ages.

Claudio Moreschini and Enrico Norelli, Manuale di letteratura cristiana antica greca e latina, 2 vols. in 4 (Brescia, 1999).  Not in UIL.

G. Bardy, “Commentaires patristiques de la Bible,” Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplément II, 75-103; “Exégèse patristique,” IV, 569-91. 220.3 V68DSUP. STX.

G. Bardy, “La littérature patristique des Quaestiones et Responsiones sur l’Ecriture Sainte,” Revue Biblique 41 (1932); 42 (1933). 205 REVB STX.

G. Bardy and G. Di Nola, Storia della letteratura cristiana antica latina (Vatican City, 1999). Not in UIL.  Translation of Bardy’s 1929 study with updated bibliography.

P. Marone, “Le Quaestiones et Responsiones sulla Bibbia nella lettatura cristiana di IV-VI secolo,” in Comunicazione e ricezione del documento cristiano in epoca tardoantica: XXXII Incontro di studiosi dell’antichità cristiana, Roma, 8-10 maggio 2003, Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 90 (Rome, 2004), pp. 43-74. 281.1 In21c STX. Includes tables concording patristic quaestiones by biblical books, chapters and verses.

John Machielsen, Clavis Patristica Pseudepigraphorum Medii Aevi, IIA: Theologica Exegetica (Turnhout, 1994). 281.1 C817 CLR. Bibliographical guide to falsely attributed writings.

Working Bibliography on Romans Commentaries from the Patristic through the Late Medieval Periods.

Manuscripts of patristic texts:

Guida informatica al manoscritto patristico latino.

Heinrich Schenkl, “Bibliotheca Patrum Latinorum Brittanica,” a series of articles in the Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna), Phil.-Hist. Klasse vols. 121-4, 126-7, 131, 133, 136-7, 139, 143, 150 and 157. 506 WIP STX. Cumulative author- and subject-indices in the final volume.

Karl F. W. Zangemeister, Bericht über die im Auftrage der Kirchenväter commission unternommene Durchforschung der Biblitheken Englands (Vienna, 1877). 027.242 Z29B STX.

G. Loewe and W. von Hartel, “Bibliotheca Patrum Latinorum Hispaniensis,” Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna), Phil.-Hist. Klasse vols. 111-113 (1886). 506 WIP STX.

August Reifferscheid, Bibliotheca patrum latinorum Italica, 2 vols. (Vienna, 1865-71). 016.2811R27b CLR.

Karl Halm, “Verzeichniss der älteren Handschriften lateinischer Kirchenväter in den Bibliotheken der Schweiz,” Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna), Phil.-Hist. Klasse vol. 50 (1865), 107-60. 506 WIP STX; another copy bound with Reifferscheid in CLR.

Manfred Oberleitner, et al., Die Handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des heiligen Augustinus (Vienna, 1969- ). Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 263, 267, etc. Bd. 1. Italien. 1. Werkverzeichnis. 2. Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken -- Bd. 2. Grossbritannien und Irland. 1. Werkverzeichnis. 2. Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken -- Bd. 3. Polen. Anhang: Die skandinavischen Staaten, Dänemark, Finnland, Schweden -- Bd. 4. Spanien und Portugal -- Bd. 5. Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Westberlin. 1. Werkverzeichnis. 2. Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken -- Bd. 6. Österreich. 1. Werkverzeichnis. 2. Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken -- Bd. 7. Tschechische Republik und Slowakische Republik. 1. Werkverzeichnis. 2. Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken --Bd. 8. Belgien, Luxemburg und Niederlande. 1. Werkverzeichnis. 2. Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken -- Bd. 9. Schweiz. 1. Werkverzeichnis. 2. Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken. 506 WIP STX; 871 A59.Vh STX (vols. 6-8).

Bernard Lambert, Bibliotheca Hieronymiana Manuscripta: La tradition manuscrite des oeuvres de Saint Jérôme, 2 vols. in 4 parts, Instrumenta Patristica 4 (Steenbrugge, 1969). 281.1 IN7 CLX. Includes falsely attributed as well as genuine writings.

Burton van Name Edwards, The Manuscript Transmission of Carolingian Biblical Commentaries

Key Terms and Biblical Citations in Patristic Authors:

Hermann Josef Sieben, Voces: Eine Bibliographie zu Wörtern und Begriffen aus der Patristik (1918-1978) (Berlin, 1980). Lists scholarship on key words and phrases in patristic Greek and Latin texts. Not in UIL.

Gabriel Sanders and Marc Van Uytfanghe, Bibliographie signalétique du Latin des chrétiens, CCSL, Lingua Patrum 1 (Turnhout, 1989). 016.270092 S56B CLR.

Base d’information bibliographique en patristique. Can be searched for key terms; consult the help page for a .pdf file listing index terms (index vocabulaire patristique étudie: index des termes).

Biblia Patristica. Index des citations et allusions bibliques dans la littérature patristique (Paris, 1975- ). 281.1Un3b CLX. Most volumes published to date cover Greek Fathers, but vol. 6 covers Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose, and Ambrosiaster. For Augustine, see:

Anne-Marie Bonnardière, Biblia Augustiniana (Paris, 1960- ). 227.8L11B CLX. UIL has only the volume devoted to Thessalonians, Titus, and Philemon.

J.-M. Clément, Lexique des anciennes règles monastiques occidentales, 2 vols., Instrumenta Patristica 7A-B (Steenbrugge, 1978). 281.1 IN7 CLX.

Bibliographical surveys of patristic scholarship:

Base d’information bibliographique en patristique.

Centre for Early Christian Studies. Includes a Patristics Newsletter.

Fourth-Century Christianity.

Nordisk Patristik Bibliografie.

Jim O’Donnell’s Augustine Bibliography.

Medieval and Franciscan Exegesis and Biblical Studies.

Patristische Arbeitshilfen im Internet (Martin Wallraff)

Patristics Links

Patristics/Early Church History Resource Guide

The North American Patristics Society Internet Resources

Henry Wace, A Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D., with an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies (London, 1911).

Charles Kannengiesser, “Fifty Years of Patristics,” Theological Studies 50 (1989), 633-56. 205 THES STX.

Walter J. Burghardt, “Literature of Christian Antiquity: 1979-1983,” Theological Studies 45 (1984), 275-306; “Literature of Christian Antiquity: 1975-1979,” 41 (1980), 151-80; “Literature of Christian Antiquity: 1971-1975,” 37 (1976), 424-55; “Literature of Christian Antiquity: 1967-1971,” 33 (1972), 253-84; “Literature of Christian Antiquity,” 24 (1963), 437-63; “Literature of Christian Antiquity: 1955-1959,” 21 (1960): 62-91. 205 THES STX.

Thomas P. Halton and Robert D. Sider, A Decade of Patristic Scholarship 1970-1979, Classical World 76 (1982-83), Special Survey Issue. 016.2811H169d CLR.

Dirk Kurt Kranz, Bibliografia delle bibliografie patristiche e materie affini. Un sussidio didattico e di ricerca, Sussidi e strumenti didattici 3 (Rome, 2005). Not in UIL.

Pierre Maraval, “La Bible et les Pères. Bilan de cinquante ans de recherches,” in Les Péres de l’eglise au XXe siècle. Histoire—Littérature--Théologie. “L’aventure des Sources chrétiennes” (Paris, 1997), pp. 445-466. 270.1P275 STX.

Pierre Petitmengin, “Les patrologies avant Migne,” in Migne et le renouveau des etudes patristiques, ed. A. Mandouze and J. Fouilheron (Paris, 1985). 270.07 M588 STX.

Antonio Quacquarelli, ed., Res christiana: temi interdisciplinari di patrologia (Rome, 1999). 281.1 R3111 STX.

Herman Josef Sieben, SJ.

François Dolbeau.

Major Church Fathers:

Ambrose: Giovanni Colombo, Cronologia Ambrosiana / Bibliografia Ambrosiana (1900-2000). Tutte le opere di sant’Ambrogio, Sussidi 25/25 (Milan, 2004). Not in UIL.  Annotated; for works before 1900, see Cento anni di bibliografia ambrosiana (1874-1974) (Milan, 1981). 871 A195.VB CLX.



Karl Heinz Chelius, Augustine’s Works and Critical Editions.

Corpus Augustinianum Gissense: Studia Augustiniana. Accessible in the Past Masters database. The bibliography can be searched for names and words occuring in titles. To search the Latin keywords (“lemma”) added to the entries you have to use the Boolean operator AND: “lemma and anima” will return all entries with the keyword “anima”, but just searching “anima” will search Augustine’s works rather than the bibliography.


Fichier augustinien.  Institut des études augustiniennes, Paris, 2 vols. (Boston, 1972), Q. 016.2811 IN7FI STX.

Wilhelm Geerlings, Augustinus: Leben und Werk: Eine bibliographische Einführung (Paderborn, 2002). B. A922g STX.

Eulogio Nebreda del Cura, Bibliographia Augustiniana; seu, Operum collectio quae divi Augustini vitam et doctrinam quadantenus exponunt (Rome, 1928). 016.2811 N27B STX.

Carl Andresen, Bibliographia Augustiniana, 2nd ed. (Darmstadt, 1973). 871 A59.Va STX, HIX.

Tarsicius J. van Bavel and F. van der Zanee, Répertoire bibliographique de saint Augustin, 1950-1960, Instrumenta patristica 3 (Steenbrugge, 1963). 281.1 IN7 CLX.

Augustinian Bibliography, 1970-1980:  With Essays on the Fundamentals of Augustinian Scholarship compiled by Terry L. Miethe (Westport, CN, 1982). 016.1892 M586A STX (Temp Shelving).


Augustine Through the Ages:  An Encyclopedia, gen. ed. Allan D. Fitzgerald (Grand Rapids, MI, 1999). 189.2 Au4Za HIR.

Augustinus-Lexikon, ed. Cornelius Mayer and Erich Feldmann (Basel, 1986- ). 871 A59.Zm CLR.

Specimina eines Lexicon Augustinianum (SLA), ed. Werner Hensellek and Peter Schilling (Vienna, 1987- ). Q. 871 A59.Zh CLR.

Franciscus Moriones, Enchiridion Theologicum Sancti Augustini (Madrid, 1961). 871 A59.X1961 STX.  Extensive topically arranged selections from Augustine’s writings.

For other bibliographical aids, see R. E. Kaske, Medieval Christian Literary Imagery, ch. 1.

For patristic and medieval sermons and homilies:

François Dolbeau, Augustin et la prédiction en Afrique. Recherches sur divers sermons authentiques, apocryphes ou anonymes, Collections des Études Augustiniennes, Série Antiquité 179 (Paris, 2005).  Not in UIL.

Hubertus R. Drobner, Augustinus von Hippo: Sermones ad Populum: Überlieferung und Bestand Bibliographie - Indices (Leiden, 2000). 252.014 Au457d STX. Inventory of Augustine’s sermons by published series (from the Maurist edition reprinted by Migne to the Sermones Dolbeau) as well as by content (biblical book and liturgical feast); includes a “Themeindex” of biblical citations and names and things, and a comprehensive bibliography (includes translations and some pseudo-Augustinian sermons), and elaborate indices.

Réginald Grégoire, Homéliaires liturgiques médiévaux. Analyse des manuscrits (Spoleto, 1980). 264.6 G861H STX.

Hermann Josef Sieben, Kirchenväterhomilien zum Neuen Testament: Ein Repertorium der Textausgaben und Übersetzungen, mit einem Anhang der Kirchenväterkommentare, Instrumenta Patristica 22 (Steenbrugge, 1991). 281.1In7 v. 22 CLX. The appendix gives a list of patristic biblical commentaries by biblical book.

Johannes Baptist Schneyer, Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters für die Zeit von 1150-1350, 11 vols. (Münster, 1969-90). 109 B39 no. 43 STX. UIL lacks vols. 10-11.

Johannes Machielsen, Clavis Patristica Pseudepigraphorum Medii Aevi, IA-B: Homiletica (Turnhout, 1990). 281.1C817 CLR.

For for further bibliography on medieval exegetical homilies, see Kaske, Medieval Christian Literary Imagery, pp. 80-85; Berlioz, Identifier sources et citations, pp. 201-9, and Thomas N. Hall, “A Basic Bibliography of Medieval Sermon Studies,” Medieval Sermon Studies Newsletter 36 (Autumn 1995), 26-42. 291. 43090205 ME STX. See also the separate bibliography on Sermons and Homilies.


Chrysostom Bibliography.


Stefan Rebenich, Jerome (London, 2002). 270.2092 J483r HIX.

Jerome’s Works in Chronological Order.  Includes editions and manuscripts.

Gregory the Great:

Robert Godding, Bibliografia di Gregorio Magno (1890/1989), Opere di Gregorio Magno, Complementi 1 (Rome, 1990).  940.3 C37Wu CLR.

John Cavadini, ed., Gregory the Great: A Symposium (Notre Dame, 1995). B.G8221 C STX.


Henri Crouzel, Bibliographie critique d’Origène, 3 vols., Instrumenta Patristica 8A-B (Steenbrugge, 1971-96).  281.1IN7 CLX.

Major Exegetical Compendia and Commentaries:

See Kaske, pp. 19-28 and 33-40; and the separate bibliography on Etymologies and Distinctions.

Eucherius of Lyon:

Eucherii Lugdunensis Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae / Instructionum libri duo, ed. C. Mandolfo, CCSL 66  (Turnhout, 2004). 281.1 C817 v.66 CLR.

Canterbury Glosses:

Biblical Commentaries from the Canterbury School of Theodore and Hadrian, ed. Bernhard Bischoff and Michael Lapidge (Cambridge, 1994). 220.6 B47122 STX.

“Leiden Family” Glosses:

Glossae Biblicae, ed. P. Vaciago, CCCM 189A-B (Turnhout, 2004- ). 281.1 C8171 v.189A-B CLR.

Elias Steinmeyer and Eduard Sievers, ed., Die althochdeutsche Glossen, 5 vols. (Berlin, 1922). 437.01 ST3A STX.

Pseudo-Melito, Clavis Scripturae:

J.-B. Pitra, Spicilegium Solesmense complectens sanctorum patrum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum anecdota hactenus opera, 4 vols. (Pars, 1852). 281.1 P68S CLR.  See Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum nos. 5574-78.

Reprint of Pitra with French Translation: Jean-Pierre Laurant, Symbolisme et Ecriture: le cardinal Pitra et la "Clef" de Méliton de Sardes (Paris, 1988). 220.64 M486C1988 STX.

Glossa Ordinaria. 

Biblia Latina cum glossa ordinaria, 5 vols. (Turnhout, 1992). Q.220.47 B471992 MDX. Reprint of Strassburg 1480/81 edition. See Berlioz, Identifier sources et citations, pp. 22-25.  See Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum, IX, 465-567.

Glossa ordinaria. Pars 22, In Canticum canticorum, ed. Mary Dove, CCCM 170 (Turnhout, 1997). 281.1 C8171 v.170 CLR.

Thomas Aquinas, Catena Aurea:

UIL has several early prints, including Venice 1486: XQ. 226 T36C1486 RBR.

English translation:  Catena aurea: Commentary on the four Gospels, collected out of the works of the Fathers by S. Thomas Aquinas, trans. Mark Pattison (Oxford, 1874). 226 T36cE Oak Street.

Cornelius à Lapide:

Commentaria in scripturam sacram Cornelii à Lapide, ed. A. Crampon, 10 vols. (Paris, 1865). 220.7 L31C STX.

Major Collections of Texts:

J.-P. Migne, ed., Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Latina [=PL or MPL, “Patrologia Latina”], 221 vols. (Paris, 1844-1880), with Supplementum, 5 vols., ed. A. Hamann. 281.1 M58L CLR. Searchable on-line as Patrologia Latina database (UIUC access only; on-line version does not include the supplement volumes). See Kaske, Medieval Christian Literary Imagery, pp. 9-11; Berlioz, Identifier sources et citations, pp. 279-94. Attributions of texts in the PL must always be verified by checking Palémon Glorieux, Pour revaloriser Migne: Tables rectificatives (Lille, 1952), 281.1 M58LYG CLR, the PL Supplementum, the Clavis Patrum Latinorum, Machielsen’s Clavis Pseudepigraphorum, and reference works such as the Dictionnaire de spiritualité. The elaborate subject indices in vols. 218-221 are still a valuable way to access relevant passages on topics that may not be easy to reduce to database word searches. Note that references are sometimes to the pagination of the original edition reprinted by Migne (in bold type within the text), rather than to the PL column numbers. The Elucidatio in 235 tabulas Patrologiae Latinae (Rotterdam, 1952), 281.1 M58LINDEX CLR is a skeletal index to the PL indices; see also Berlioz, Identifier sources, pp. 279-94 (“L’index des index de la Patrologie latine de Jacques-Paul Migne”).

Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (Vienna, 1866- ). 872 C81 CLR. The “Vienna Corpus.”

Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaevalis (Turnholt, 1953- ). 281.1 c817 and c8171 CLR. See the Brepols catalogue for a complete analysis. Available in an on-line database, Library of Latin Texts. There is a handy on-line users manual. See also Corpus Christianorum 1953-2003. Xenium Natalicium: Fifty Years of Scholarly Editing, ed. Johan Leemans (Turnhout, 2003).

Sources chrétiennes (Paris, 1940- ).  Authoritative editions with facing-page French translations. Not shelved as a set in UIL.

EDENDA: database survey of current work on editing patristic texts.

For Greek Fathers:

Clavis Patrum Grecorum, 5 vols., ed. Maurice Geerard (Turnhout, 1974- ). 016.2811 G27C STX.

A. Ehrhard, Überlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homiletischen Literatur der griechischen Kirche von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts (Leipzig, 1937-52). See also Lidia Perria, Manoscritti citati da Albert Ehrhard: indice di A. Ehrhard, Überlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homiletischen Literatur der griechischen Kirche, I-III, Testi e studi bizantino-neoellenici (Rome, 1979). 270.3 P428M CLX.

J.-P. Migne, Patrologiae cursus completus, series Graeca. 281.1 M58G. Note that the facing-page Latin translations sometimes date from the medieval period, but are often much later.

Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte (Leipzig, 1897- ). 281.1G87 CLR. Includes facing-page German translations. List of texts in the series (.pdf file).

Major Journals:

Journal of Ecclesiastical History.

Journal of Early Christian Studies.

The Journal of Theological Studies.



See also the journals listed under “serial bibliographies” above.

Patristic Texts in Translation:


Medieval Christian Biblical Exegesis in English Translation (Jonathan Hall). “This list attempts to collect all modern English translations of medieval Christian biblical interpretation in Catholic Europe from Gregory the Great (c. 600) to right before Luther (c. 1515).”

Adalbert Keller, Translationes Patristicae Graecae et Latinae. Bibliographie der Übersetzungen altchristlicher Quellen (Stuttgart, 1997- ). 016.2702 K281t CLR.


Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture.

The Ante-Nicene Fathers, 10 vols. 281.3 R54a CLR.

A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, 14 vols.; 2nd Series, 14 vols. 281.1 Sch12 CLR. The Nicene Fathers series is available in searchable form on-line, but with limited capability (single word and boolean searches; no phrase searches).

Early Church Fathers—Supplementary Texts.  Online translations of works not in the NPNF series.

The Fathers of the Church (1947- ). 281.1 F269 STX.  See the online indices of the contents.

Ancient Christian Writers (1946- ). 281.1 An22 STX.

A Library of the Fathers, 46 vols. Not shelved as a set in UIL. Notable (and well-indexed) translations include Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos and Gregory’s Moralia.

M. F. Toal, trans., Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers, 4 vols. (Chicago, 1957). 226 T55P1964 STX.

Sources Chrétiennes.  Texts include facing-page French translations.  Not shelved as a series in UIL.

General Histories, Surveys, and Collections of Essays:

P. R. Ackroyd and G. W. H Lampe, ed., The Cambridge History of the Bible (1963-70), vols. 1-2. 220.09 C144 STX, UGX.

Johannes Arnold et al., ed., Väter der Kirche: Ekklesiales Denken von den Anfängen bis in die Neuzeit. Festgabe für Hermann Josef Sieben SJ zum 70. Geburtstag (Paderborn, 2004).  Not in UIL.  Essays on the major church fathers through Bede and on patristic influences on medieval theologians from Alcuin to the end of the Middle Ages. Includes a valuable bibliography of Frede’s published scholarship.

Irena Backus, ed., The Reception of the Church Fathers in the West: From the Carolingians to the Maurists, 2 vols. (Leiden, 1997). 270.107 R24 STX.

La Bibbia nell’alto medioevo, Settimane di studio del centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo 10 (Spoleto, 1962). 940.1C33s v. 10 STX.

Hennig Brinkmann, Mittelalterliche Hermeneutik (Tübingen, 1980). 220.60902B771m STX.

Philippe Buc, L’Ambiguïté du Livre. Princes, pouvoir, et peuple dans les commentaires de la Bible au moyen âge (Paris, 1994). 220.60902 B85A STX.

Silvia Cantelli Berarducci, Angelomo e la scuola esegetica di Luxeuil (Spoleto, 1990). 220.60944453 C167A STX.

Silvia Cantelli Berarducci, Hrabani Mauri opera exegetica: repertorium fontium, 3 vols. Instrumenta patristica et mediaevalia 38 (Turnhout, 2006). 281.1IN71, v. 38, A,B CLX.

Celia Chazelle and Burton Van Name Edwards, ed., The Study of the Bible in the Carolingian Era (Turnhout, 2003).220.0944 St946HIX.

Giuseppe Cremascoli and Claudio Leonardi, La Bibbia nel Medio Evo (Bologna, 1996). 220.0902 B47 CLX. Wide-ranging coverage of the transmission, interpretation, and influence of the Bible in the Middle Ages, with extensive secondary references in each essay, but no cumulative or select bibliography.

Giuseppe Cremascoli and Francesco Santi, ed., La Bibbia del XIII secolo. Storia del testo, storia dell’esegesi (Florence, 2004). 220.09022 B4709 STX.

Gilbert Dahan, L’exégèse chrétienne de la Bible en Occident médiéval, XIIe-XIVe siècle (Paris, 1999). 220.60902 D137e STX. Can be used to supplement Glorieux, Pour revaloriser Migne. The bibliography includes a basic list of books and articles organized by biblical book and chapter.

Ursicino Domínguez del Val, Historia de la antigua literatura latina hispano-cristiana, 4 vols. (Madrid, 1998).

L’esegesi dei padri latini. Dalle origini a Gregorio Magno. XXVIII Incontro di studiosi dell’antichità cristiana, Roma, 6-8 maggio 1999, 2 vols., Studia Ephemeridis Augustinanum 68 (Rome, 2000).

G. R. Evans, The Language and Logic of the Bible. The earlier Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1984). 220.6 Ev15l UG Storage.

G. R. Evans, The Language and Logic of the Bible: The Road to the Reformation (Cambridge, 1985). 220.09Ev15l STX.

G. R. Evans, ed., The Medieval Theologians (Oxford, 2001).

Jacques Fontaine and C. Pietri, ed., Le monde latin antique et la Bible (Paris, 1985). 220.09 M7442 CLX.

Adalbert Hamman, How to Read the Church Fathers (New York, 1993). Not in UIL. A sort of Church Fathers for Dummies.

John V. Fleming, From Bonaventure to Bellini. An Essay in Franciscan Exegesis (1982). 759.5 B417FL UG Hist Storage.

Wilhelm Geerlings and Christian Schulze, ed., Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalater: Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung, Clavis Commentariorum Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi (Leiden, 2002).

Joseph de Ghellinck, Patristique et moyen âge, II: Introduction et compléments a l’étude de la patristique (Brussels, 1947). 238.1 G34p.

Christopher de Hamel, The Book: A History of the Bible (London, 2001). 220.09 D365b LibSci.

Robert E. Lerner and Elisabeth Müller-Luckner, ed., Neue Richtungen in der hoch- und spätmittelalterlichen Bibelexegese (Munich, 1996). 220.60902 N393 STX.

Claudio Leonardi et al., ed., La Bibbia nell’interpretazione delle donne (Florence, 2002).

Bernard S. Levy, ed. The Bible in the Middle Ages: Its Influence on Literature and Art (Binghamton, 1992). 220.0902 B477 STX.

Guy Lobrichon, “Gli usi della Bibbia,” in Lo spazio letterario, I/1, 523-62.

Guy Lobrichon, La Bible au Moyen Age, Les médiévistes français, 3 (Paris, 2003).

W. Lourdaux and D. Verhelst, The Bible and Medieval Culture (Louvain, 1979). 220.4 B473 STX.

Henri de Lubac, Exégèse médiévale: Les quatre sens de l’Ecriture, 2 vols. in 4 parts, Théologie 41, 42, 59 (Paris, 1959-64). 230L959E STX. The standard study of the “fourfold” exegetical method. The first two volumes have been translated by Mark Sebanc as Medieval Exegesis, I: The Four Senses of Scripture (Edinburgh, 1998). 230 L959e:E EGX.

Bertrand de Margerie, Introduction à l’histoire de l’exégèse, IV. L’occident latin de Léon le Grand à Bernard de Clairvaux (Paris, 1990). 220.609015M336i v.4 STX.

Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Barry D. Walfish, and Joseph W. Goering.ed., With Reverence for the Word: Medieval Scriptural Exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Oxford, 2002). 291.82 W772.

R. E. McNally, The Bible in the Early Middle Ages (Westminster, MD, 1959). 220.7 M23B EGX. Lists biblical commentaries composed between 650 and 1000, pp. 89-94 (General Commentaries on the Bible) and 95-96 (Commentaries on the Old Testament, Genesis).

James H. Morey, Book and Verse: A Guide to Middle English Biblical Literature (Urbana, 2002). 220.09420902 M818b EGX, STX.

Jaroslav Pelikan, The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, 5 vols. (Chicago, 1971-89). 230.2 P36C STX, HIX. Vols. 1-3 cover the period 100-1300 A.D. Extensive citation of primary sources makes this history especially valuable.

Henning Reventlow, Epochen der Bibelauslegung, vol. II. Von der Spätantike bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters (Munich, 1994). 220.609. R322e v. 2 CLX.

Pierre Riché and Guy Lobrichon, ed. Le Moyen Age et la Bible (Paris, 1984). 220.0902 M874 STX.

Hans Rost, Die Bibel im Mittelalter. Beiträge zur Geschichte und der Bibliographie der Bibel (Augsburg, 1939). 220.9 R73b STX.

Magne Sæbø, ed., Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. The History of its Interpretation, vol. 1: From the Beginnings to the Middle Ages (until 1300), part 2: The Middle Ages (Göttingen, 2000). 221.609 H354 STX.  Covers both Jewish and Chrisitan exegesis.

Manlio Simonetti, Biblical Interpretation in the Early Church: An Historical Introduction to Patristic Exegesis, trans. John A. Hughes (Edinburgh, 1994). 220.6Si56p:E STX. Probably the best basic introduction available.

Beryl Smalley, The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, 3rd ed. (Oxford, 1983). UIL has second ed.: 220.7 SM1S1952 STX.

Beryl Smalley, The Gospels in the Schools c. 1100-c.1280 (London, 1985). 226.0609021 Sm189 HIX.

Beryl Smalley, Medieval Exegesis of Wisdom Literature: Essays, ed. Roland E. Murphy (Atlanta, 1986). 223.060902 SM18M STX.

C. Spicq, Esquisse d’une histoire de l’exégèse latine au moyen âge (Paris, 1944). 189.4 B471 v. 26 STX. Includes in an appendix a list of medieval commentaries by biblical book.

Hans-Jörg Spitz, Die Metaphorik des geistigen Schriftsinns. Ein Beitrag zur allegorischen Bibelauslegung des ersten christlichen Jahrtausends, Münstersche Mittelalter-Schriften 12 (Munich, 1972). 220.88Sp4m STX.

Katherine Walsh and Diana Wood, ed., The Bible in the Medieval World: Essays in Memory of Beryl Smalley, Studies in Church History, 4 (Oxford, 1985). 220.6 B471 CLX.

Studia Patristica. 270St942 (v. 17-28) CLX. Volumes 1-16 are shelved with the series Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur: 281.1T31 CLX.

On Typology:

Erich Auerbach, “Figura,” in his Scenes from the Drama of European Literature (New York, 1984), pp. 11-76. 804Au3S1984 MDX, UGX.

A. C. Charity, Events and Their Afterlife: The Dialectics of Christian Typology in the Bible and Dante (Cambridge, 1966). 220.6 C37E MDX.

Jean Daniélou, From Shadows to Reality: Studies in the Biblical Typology of the Fathers (London, 1960). 220.6D22SEH STX.

J.-N. Guinot, “La typologie comme technique herméneutique,” in Figures de l’Ancien Testement chez le Pères, Cahiers de Biblia Patristica 2 (Strassburg,1989), pp. 1-34. Not in UIL.

Hartmut Hoefer, Typologie im Mittelalter: Zur Übertragbarkeit typologischer Interpretation auf weltliche Dichtung, Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 54 (Göppingen, 1971). 220.6 H67T1971 STX.

Hugh T. Keenan, Typology and English Medieval Literature (New York, 1992). 820.9T981 EGX, STX. Includes an annotated bibliography of typological studies.

See also the separate bibliographies on The Apocrypha in the Middle Ages and Iconography.

Charles D. Wright

last updated 09/07