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New to Sodium this week - Vendy!!!

Home > Sodium Updates > New to Sodium this week - Vendy!!!
Vendy - The Vetoxade vending machine

Ever since patrons of Scorpio's Bar discovered the recipe, sales of vetoxade have gone from strength to strength. In fact it's fair to say that demand for the startlingly refreshing anti-venom has skyrocketed!

For those of you who aren't in the know, Vetoxade is a drink specially devised to protect its imbibers for a brief period from the toxic effects of the small blue scorpions which inhabit the Sodium Hub's Scorpion Breeding zones.

In recognition of the Drinks startling popularity the original inventors of Vetoxade – the Vetoxade Corporation - have decided to install vending machines in key robotic scorpion stomping points within the Sodium Hub. Carefully located for your convenience, players can purchase refreshing cans of Vetoxade for a modest sum of Sodium Credits.

The current Vending Machine, known as Vendy, is an artificially intelligent vending-bot displaying a preternatural commitment to vending and refreshment.

Secretly jealous of the Scorpio's bartenders, Vendy's ultimate ambition is to replace the human component of Scorpio's drinks service with a fleet of artificially intelligent vending-bots like himself. But for now he's just happy to serve your vending needs.

For now all he stocks is Vetoxade, but watch this space for the possibility of refreshing new drinks to come!

Vetoxade Vending Machine in the Scorpion Stomp Grounds


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