Mammoth Mountain Fumarole (MMF) in Long Valley Caldera

Site type: Fumarole
Station identifier: MMF (Mammoth Mountain Fumarole)
USGS station number: 373819119014201
Latitude: 37°38'19" (NAD27)
Longitude: 119°01'42" (NAD27)
Altitude: 9,843 ft above sea level (NGVD29)

Scientist sampling gas at MMF.

Sampling of Mammoth Mountain Fumarole. Photo by Stuart Wilkinson.

MMF is a fumarole on Mammoth Mountain. Vent temperature is measured each hour and recorded on an electronic datalogger. Gas chemistry and water isotopes have been collected on several occasions. Using this approach, we carefully monitor vent gas temperatures of Mammoth Mountain, which may change as the volcanic system changes.For more information on this fumarole, visit our helium discharge webpage.

MMF on Maps

10 meter resolution digital elevation model:

Plots and Data from MMF