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We appreciate your interest in doing business with the City of Newport Beach. The purpose of this section is to explain how a supplier may provide products and services to the City. The City is always interested in securing responsible suppliers who can meet its needs promptly, economically and in the desired quality and quantities. Our aim is to help you in your sales effort and to promote business relationships with the City of Newport Beach. We hope this guide will benefit you as a new or present supplier.

The purpose of the City's purchasing section is to maintain continuity of services and supplies to support the various City agencies and departments.

Supplier Registration
Files of interested and responsible suppliers are maintained by Purchasing. You may fill out an "Online Supplier Registration" application form to add your company name to our file. Once your registration has been approved you will be added to our eligible supplier list.  All Newport Beach supplier registrations are valid for 1 (one) year at which time you will need to update your information.  Completion of the form does not guarantee a supplier will be notified every time a quotation or bid for that particular commodity or service is solicited. We may also contact firms that are not in the file of suppliers.  Failure to respond to bid or quote invitations may result in the removal of your firm's name from the supplier file.

Updating Registration Information 
All City of Newport Beach suppliers are required to update their business information annually.  If your registration is not updated within 1 (one) year from your approval date you will be removed from the City of Newport Beach eligible suppliers list. To update your information sign in using the email address and password you used to register your business.  If you have forgotten your password you may click on the "I forgot my password" link to retrieve it.  Once you have signed in, review your business information and commodity services, make any necessary changes then click on the save button to update your information.

Got Questions? Call purchasing staff at 949-644-3080.