Long Valley Observatory

U.S. Geological Survey

Volcano Hazards Program, MS 910

345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025












This report is a preliminary description of unrest in Long Valley caldera and Mono-Inyo Craters region of eastern California. Information contained in this report should be regarded as preliminary and is not be cited for publication without approval by the Scientist in Charge of the Long Valley Observatory. The views and conclusions contained in this document do not necessarily represent the official policies, either express or implied, of the U.S. Government.





































The relative quiescence that has persisted in Long Valley caldera since the spring of 1998 continued through the fourth quarter of 2000. The resurgent dome has shown no significant deformation this quarter, and seismic activity within the caldera has typically included fewer than five small earthquakes per day, most with magnitudes less than M=2.0. Diffuse emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the tree-kill areas around the flanks of Mammoth Mountain continue at the relatively high levels that have persisted since 1996. Most of the earthquake activity in the region continues to occur as aftershocks to the three M > 5 earthquakes of 8 June 1998 (M=5.1), 14 July 1998 (M=5.1), and 15 May 1999 (M=5.6) in the Sierra Nevada south of the caldera.


EARTHQUAKES (D.P. Hill and A.M. Pitt)



Earthquake activity within Long Valley caldera remains low with only a few (typically fewer than five) events per day large enough (M ³ 1) to be detected and located by the real-time computer system. None of the earthquakes occurring within the caldera during this quarter had magnitudes as large as M=2.0.



















Most earthquake activity within the Sierra Nevada block south of the caldera during the fourth quarter of 2000 was concentrated in the aftershock zone for the three M5 earthquakes of 8 June 1998 (M=5.1), 14 July 1998 (M=5.1), and 15 May 1999 (M=5.6), which defines a 15-km-long, linear zone of epicenters extending to the south-southwest into the Sierra Nevada from the southeastern margin of the caldera. Three earthquakes within this aftershock zone had magnitudes as large as M=3.0: specifically, a M=3.0 event at 9:46 PM on October 12, a M=3.2 event at 1:25 PM on December 12, and a M=3.1 event at 8:57 PM on December 20. A cluster of earthquakes beneath the base of Wheeler Crest at the western margin of Round Valley on November 12 included M=2.6 and M=3.6 events at 10:51 and 11:05 PM, respectively.



The largest earthquake in the greater Long Valley region this quarter was a M=3.9 event at 6:45 PM on December 28 located in Chalfant Valley some 12 km north of Bishop. This earthquake was accompanied by a number of aftershocks, all of which were smaller than M=3.0.




TWO-COLOR EDM SUMMARY (John Langbein, Stuart Wilkinson, and Stefan Kerby)

A two-color Electronic Distance Meter (EDM) is used to monitor the lengths of approximately 70 baselines in and near the Long Valley Caldera shown in Figure EDM-1.  The precision of each length measurement is between 0.5 and 1.0 mm.  The 8 baselines shown with heavy lines that use CASA as a common end point are measured several times each week. Other baselines that have CASA in common are measured at less frequent intervals of 1 to 2 months. The remaining baselines are currently measured once per year. With the frequent measurements, we can monitor temporal changes in the deformation. With the annual measurements, we can monitor the spatial extent of deformation.

Figure EDM-1 Base-lines and monuments for the 2-color EDM network


The measurements of length changes shown in Figures EDM-2 and EDM-3 for the frequently measured baselines have shown a slight contraction over the resurgent dome of 1 cm/yr over the two years following the 1997-1998 unrest. However, during the past year, these baselines show no significant deformation. In contrast, the rates during the later part of 1997 were has high as 20 cm/yr extension on the KRAKATAU baseline during the most recent unrest in the caldera.,

Figures EDM 2 (top) and 3 (bottom).


In addition to the frequently measured baselines, the annual survey measurements spanning the mid-1999 to mid-2000 interval shows a correspondingly small or negligible deformation over the past year.


Modeling of all of the EDM data over the 1998.5 to 2000.5 epoch suggest a model of deflation at 8km in the southern part of the resurgent dome.





John Langbein, Elliot Endo, Eugene Iwatsubo, Jerry Svarc, Stuart Wilkinson, Stefan Kirby, Frank Webb, and Tim Dixon

USGS-Menlo Park, USGS-CVO, JPL, and U. Miami


Over the past 7 years, there have been 14 GPS (Global Position System) receivers installed within and near the Long Valley Caldera. Of these, 10 were installed in the past 3 years by CVO. The locations of all the receivers are shown in Figure GPS-1. We intended that data from these receivers and a few more additional installations will take over the long-term monitoring supplied by the two-color EDM. The three-component displacement data are shown in Figure GPS-2, 3 for all 14 receivers along with two other sites, CMBB and MUSB located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada.

Figure GPS-1: Locations of continuous in Long Valley caldera


The travel-time measurements from each receiver are processed daily to produce a position in a reference frame with North America fixed. Additional processing is done by removing a temporal, common-mode signal from each time-series of displacements. Gross outliers are also removed. To re-adjust the data to a more local reference frame, a rate is removed from each time series. That rate is the average displacement rate from 1995 to the present of the 2 Sierra Nevada stations, CMBB and MUSB.  In the plots, to show any deviation from a constant rate, the local rate is also removed and that rate is posted next to the trace of the residual displacements.


A comparison of the length change derived from the GPS data and the length changes measured by the two color EDM can be found at: http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/research/deformation/twocolor/compare_GPS_EDM.html








Figure GPS-4. Comparison of EDM (+)and GPS (o) line-length changes from CASA99 to stations SAWC, TILC, KNOL, and KRAK for the period 7/99 – 3/01.


DILATIONAL STRAIN MEASUREMENTS  (Malcolm Johnston, Doug Myren, Bob Mueller and Stan Silverman)



Dilational strain measurements are being recorded continuously at the Devil's Postpile (POPA), Motor Cross (MX), Big Springs (BS), and at a site, PLV1, just to the north of the town of Mammoth Lakes in Long Valley. The site locations are shown in Figure D1. The instruments are Sacks-Evertson dilational strain meters and consist of stainless steel cylinders filled with silicon oil that are cemented in the ground at a depth of about 200m.

Changes in volumetric strain in the ground are translated into displacement and voltage by a expansion bellows attached to a linear voltage displacement transducer. This instrument is described in detail by Sacks et al.(Papers Meteol. Geophys.,22,195,1971).


Data from the strainmeters are transmitted using satellite telemetry  every 10 minutes to a host computer in Menlo Park. The data are also transmitted from some sites with 24-bit digital seismic telemetry, together with 3-component seismic data. At sites where this does not occur, data are

recorded on site on 16-bit digital recorders and a summary of the high-frequency seismic and train data is transmitted by satellite.


Figure D1. Locations of borehole dilatometer and tilt stations in Long Valley caldera




The most interesting events recorded this year are strain histories recorded on POPA during Long Period (LP) events under Mammoth Mt. on July 6, 2000 and August 13, 2000 (see Fig. D1 for locations of all strainmeters). The first event showing the strain record in "raw" form and that in filtered form to illustrate the short period and long period extensional component of the transient, is displayed in Figure D2. This event generated strain offsets on all three working strainmeters in the caldera region. These offset are seen in the expanded plot of longer-term data also shown in Figure D2. The upper plot on the left shows the raw data for 12 hours on July 6 with the offsets superimposed on Earth tides while the lower plot on the left show the data with the earthtides removed. Net extensions of 0.9 and 0.4 nanostrain were observed on POPA and MX respectively, while an extension of -0.3 nanostrain was observed on BG. Thus at POPA we see a transient of about 1.5 nanostrain superimposed on a net offset of 0.9 nanostrain. The seismically determined depth of the LP event was about 3 km. To explain the strain offset using a pressure source at this depth, we need a pressure increase of 1.4 MPa associated with the event.


The second event occurred on August 13 and the "raw", low- and highpass filtered data are shown in Figure S10 in the 2000 Annual Summary. This event generated an almost identical transient at POPA but no corresponding strain offsets. This event had a seismically determined depth of about 3.75 km and requires a pressure transient of about 2 MPa to generate the observed strain signal at POPA.  We do not know if transient signals were recorded at MX and BG at these times since these instruments were not yet connected to high sample rate telemetry.


A summary of data from the four borehole strainmeters in Long Valley for the entire year is shown in Figure D3. The annual term in the POPA data is due to snow load and snow melt in the San Joaquin headwaters. We are now monitoring the water table near the strainmeter.


To view data see: http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/QUAKE/crustaldef/longv.html.








TILT MEASUREMENTS  (Mal Johnston, Vince Keller, Bob Mueller and Doug Myren)



Instruments recording crustal tilt in the Long Valley caldera are of two types - 1) a long-base instrument in which fluid level is measured in fluid reservoirs separated by about 500 m and connected by pipes (this instrument (LB) was constructed by Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado), and 2) borehole tiltmeters that measure the position of a bubble trapped under a concave lens.(All Others). Figure D1 shows the locations of the seven tiltmeters that are installed  in Long Valley, California.


All data are transmitted by satellite to the USGS headquarters in Menlo Park, Ca. Data samples are taken every 10 minutes. Plots of the changes in tilt as recorded on each of these tiltmeters are shown. Removal of re-zeros, offsets, problems with telemetry and identification of instrument failures is difficult, tedious and time-consuming task. In order to have a relatively up-to-date file of data computer algorithms have been written that accomplish most of these tasks most of the time. Detailed discussion or detailed analysis usually requires hand checking of the data.  Flat sections in the data usually denote a failure in the telemetry Gaps denote missing data. All instruments are scaled using tidally generated scale factors.



The data from the long base tiltmeter is shown in Figure T1. Very little of geophysical interest occurred this year and the data are generally uneventful. We unfortunately lost some data during the summer when some instrumentat failures occurred. Data for the shallow borehole tiltmeters Escape, Fossil, Little Antelope, Casa, Sherwin, Valentine, Motor Cross and Big Springs are shown in Figures T2.



Data can be viewed in real time on: http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/QUAKE/longv.html


MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS (R.J. Mueller and M.J.S. Johnston)



Local magnetic fields at Hot Creek (HCR) and Smokey Bear Flat (SBF) in the

Long Valley Caldera have transmitted data via satellite telemetry to Menlo Park since January 18, 1983. Satellite telemetry has been operating at station Sherwin Grade (MGS) since January, 1984. Between August 1998 and August 2000, ten additional magnetometers, together with a 3-component magnetometer system and three magnetotelluric systems (MT), were installed at existing telemetry locations inside and adjacent to the Long Valley Caldera in cooperation with Dr. Yosi Sasai (Univ. of Tokyo) and Dr. J. Zlotnicki (CNRS, France). These and other data provide continuous 'real-time' monitoring in this region through the low frequency data system. The location of these sites is shown on Figure M1. Temporal changes in local magnetic field are isolated using simple differencing techniques.

Figure M1. Map showing locations of magnetometer and magnetotelluric (MT) stations in Long Valley caldera



Plots of daily averaged data from the telemetered magnetometer stations in the

Long Valley region are shown in Figures M2-5. Each of these stations are referenced to a site on Sherwin Grade (MG) located to the south of the caldera.



The differenced data for the 10 magnetic field stations, referenced with station MGS, are shown in Figures M3-5. Missing data are due to telemetry problems. The long-term rate changes for differences HCR-MGS (+1.0 nT/a) and SBF-MGS (-0.6 nT/a) are continuing from 1991 to 2001 (Figure M2). No significant changes in magnetic field are observed during this reporting period.  Changes during mid July, mid-August, and November are due to magnetic storm activity and are not due to tectonic sources.  Station PLV was struck by lightning during the end of August and will not be operational until May 2001.  Missing data during the last part of December are due to telemetry problems at site MGS. 

Figure M2. Differential magnetic data for stations SBF and HCR with respect to MGS since 1984.


During August 2000, one new magnetometer (DCM) and one new magnetotelluric system (LAP) were installed in the Long Valley Caldera  (Locations-Figure M1, Data-Figure M4. All are operational with data being recorded onsite and with USGS satellite telemetry.


During August, three new magnetometers (MXP, VAP, and LAP), from the University of Tokyo, were installed at existing locations in the Long Valley caldera (locations-Figure M1, Data- Figure M4). All three are operational with data being recorded onsite and with USGS satellite telemetry (Figures 2-4). A 3-component magnetometer was co-located with the POP station and an additional total field magnetometer installed over a borehole ant the PLV station (Figure M1). The second MT experiment was installed at LAP.


Figures 2-5. Differential magnetic data for the year 2000.

HYDROLOGIC  MONITORING  (Chris Farrar, Jim Howle, Michelle Sneed, Devin Galloway, and Mike Sorey:  U.S. Geological Survey,  Carnelian Bay, Sacramento, and Menlo Park, CA).


Hydrologic data collected for the USGS Volcanic Hazards Program in this report include ground-water level data from five wells and stream flow, water temperature, and specific conductance from one site on Hot Creek (figure H1).  Additional data are available upon request – contact:  Chris Farrar or Jim Howle at Carnelian Bay 530.546.0187.




Ground-water levels in wells and the discharge of springs can change in response to strain in the Earth’s crust.  The network of five wells and one surface water station provides hydrologic data that contributes to monitoring deformation and other changes caused from magmatic intrusions and earthquakes in Long Valley Caldera.



Ground-water levels are measured continuously in five wells, LKT, LVEW, SF, CW-3, and CH-10B (figure H1), using pressure transducers that are either submerged below the water surface or placed above ground and sense back-pressure in a nitrogen-filled tube extending below the water surface.  Barometric pressure is also measured at each site using pressure transducers.  The data are recorded by on-site data loggers and telemetered on a three-hour transmit cycle using the GOES satellite and receivers at Menlo Park and Sacramento.   All sites are visited monthly to collect data from on-site recorders and to check instrument calibrations.


Data processing is done in the Sacramento Office.  Records of barometric pressure are used in combination with the water-level records to determine aquifer properties from the observed water-level response to atmospheric loading and earth tides.  The influences of barometric pressure changes and earth tides are removed from the water-level records.    The result yields the filtered water-level record that may contain other hydraulic and crustal deformation signals.   Filtered data for wells LKT, CW-3, and CH-10B are given in figures H2, H5, and H6.  Analysis of the records from LVEW and SF to provide filtered data is not yet complete; therefore raw data are presented for these two sites (figure H3).




Periods of missing data are due to use of the well for testing or water supply, or because of instrumentation problems.


Periods of missing data are due to use of the well for testing or because of instrumentation problems.


Site HCF is located downstream from the thermal springs in Hot Creek Gorge (figure H1).  Stage, water temperature, and specific conductance (figure H7) are recorded every 15-minutes.  The data are recorded by an on-site data logger and telemetered every three hours.  Specific conductance is a measure of total dissolved ionized constituents.  Water at HCF is a mixture of thermal water from springs along Hot Creek and non-thermal water from the Mammoth Creek basin.  Changes in specific conductance are related to changes in the mixing ratio of thermal and non-thermal components of stream flow.


Estimates of total thermal water discharge (figure H8) are computed from monthly measurements of discharge, and boron and chloride concentrations collected at a non-recording site (HCA) located upstream of the Hot Creek gorge thermal area and at site HCF downstream. 




CO2 STUDIES IN LONG VALLEY CALDERA: (Ken McGee, Terry Gerlach, and Mike Doukas, Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, WA)


The GOES-telemetered carbon dioxide monitoring network in the Mammoth Lakes area continued to transmit data on soil gas carbon dioxide concentrations throughout the report period.  Station HS1 is located near the central portion of the Horseshoe Lake tree kill in an area of high CO2 ground flux while HS2 is located in a lower flux area near the margin of the tree kill and HS3 is outside the tree-kill zone in the group campground area.  Stations located away from Horseshoe Lake include SKI, located near Chair 19 in the Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, SRC, located at Shady Rest Campground adjacent to the USFS Visitor Center in Mammoth Lakes, EQF, located near Earthquake Fault, and LSP, located near Laurel Spring in the inferred Long Valley caldera rim fault.  At all sites, CO2 collection chambers are buried in the soil.  Air from these collection chambers is pumped to nearby carbon dioxide sensors housed in USFS structures or culverts.  Local barometric pressure is also measured at HS1 using a Vaisala Pressure Transducer.  Data are collected from the sensors every hour and are telemetered every three hours via GOES satellite. The GOES transmitting antennas, typically mounted inside adjacent USFS structures, continue to produce strong signals to the satellite even after significant snow buildup on the roofs of the structures.  All monitoring sites have backup data loggers that also record ambient temperature. Snow data are obtained from a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation monitoring station at Mammoth Pass. 


Data for 2000 from most of the telemetered monitoring stations are shown in the attached figure along with snow depth (SWE) at Mammoth Pass. [Note: all dates and times in UT.  Gas data not corrected for pressure and temperature.]  Besides a few gas events at HS1A, HS1B and HS2 in the fall, the data from these monitoring stations reflect a relatively quiet period in the record.  The typical winter snow pack effect is reflected in the records from all the Horseshoe Lake stations in the first half of the year.  The gap in data early in the year for HS1A and HS1B is due to a power supply failure at HS1.  In contrast, data from the Laurel Spring CO2 monitoring station for most of 2000 are shown in the second figure and reflect significant intermittent degassing of CO2.  Note the large CO2 event in April followed by an increase in the baseline as well as an increase in the amplitude of the diurnal signals at LSP.  Large CO2 spikes, many truncated by the 0-20% range of the sensor there, then dominate until nearly the end of September.  All of the monitoring stations, including LSP, were serviced in August.


The project had scheduled a gas flight at Mammoth Mountain in September to measure carbon dioxide emissions but was unable to conduct the flight due to the lack of availability of an aircraft.  We hope to reschedule the flight sometime in 2001.




Figure C1: CO2  soil-gas concentrations for 2000



Figure C2: CO2  soil gas concentrations at Laurel Springs for 2000



Continuing the trend set in 1999, activity levels in Long Valley caldera and vicinity remained low throughout 2000. The largest earthquake within the caldera was a M=2.3 event beneath Mammoth Mountain on April 27. Activity in the Sierra Nevada immediately south of the caldera was largely concentrated in the aftershock zone of the three M~5 earthquakes of 8 June, 14 July 1998, and 15 May 1999. The largest earthquake of the year in the region was a M=3.8 earthquake on 20 January located in the Sierra Nevada midway between Convict Lake and Mt Morrison. Ground deformation was minimal. The resurgent dome in the central part of the caldera, which subsided by less than 1 cm through the year, remains essentially 80 cm (2.6 feet) higher than in the late 1970’s. Carbon dioxide emissions from the flanks of Mammoth Mountain showed little change from the relatively high flux rates of the previous several years. Perhaps the most noteworthy events for the year involved a slight increase in the rate of long-period volcanic earthquakes at depths of 10 to 25 km beneath Mammoth Mountain during the second half of the year and the occurrence of two very-long-period (VLP) volcanic earthquakes at depths of 4 km (2.5 miles) beneath the summit of Mammoth Mountain on 6 July and 13 August 2000 (see the section on Caldera Unrest below).







Low-level earthquake activity within the caldera was scattered beneath the south moat, the southern and eastern margins of the resurgent dome, and Mammoth Mountain. The largest of these intra-caldera earthquakes was a M=2.3 event that occurred as part of a cluster of half a dozen small earthquakes beneath Mammoth Mountain on 27 April.




The rate of deep LP “volcanic” earthquake activity beneath the west flank of Mammoth Mountain, which began in 1989-1990, accelerated significantly in 1997 through early 1998, and tapered off in early 1999, increased again in mid-2000 (Figure S9). The increased rate began with a burst of some 15 events on ?? July and included several additional bursts of 5 to 10 events each in December. Altogether, we recorded some 50 deep LP earthquakes at depths between 10 and 25 km beneath Mammoth Mountain during 2000.


Figure S9. Time history of the deep LP earthquakes beneath Mammoth Mountain from 1989 through 2000. Continuous line shows cumulative number (right ordinate) and vertical lines indicate number of LP events per week (left ordinate).



We detected two very-long-period (VLP) earthquakes with hypocenters at depths of roughly 4 km (2.6 miles) beneath the summit of Mammoth Mountain; one on 6 July (0356 UT) and the other on 13 August (0007 UT). Both were recorded on the seismic band (100 to 0.1 sec) of the POPA borehole dilatometer, which is located 4 km due west of the summit of Mammoth Mountain. The 13 August event was also recorded on the newly installed broadband, CMG-3 seismometer (operated by the University of Nevada, Reno) at the Old Mammoth Mine site, 4 km southeast of the Mammoth Mountain summit. These two events, together with a similar event detected on 12 October 1996, make a total of three VLP earthquakes detected beneath Mammoth Mountain since 199? when we first acquired the instrumental capability for detecting seismic events in this frequency band. The fact that both the 6 July and 13 August VLP earthquakes were accompanied by spasmodic bursts of brittle failure earthquakes (Figure S10), opens the possibility that the 1989 Mammoth Mountain earthquake swarm, which included multiple episodes of spasmodic bursts, may have also included significant VLP activity. These Mammoth Mountain VLP events are similar to those beneath Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, which Bernard Chouet and colleagues interpret as the result of small slugs of magma, magmatic brine, or magmatic gas moving through a crack-like restriction. At this low rate, these VLP events do not indicate any impending volcanic activity. They do, however, serve as a reminder that magmatic fluids are present beneath Mammoth Mountain. (Also see the July-September Quarterly Report)



Figure S10. The three VLP earthquakes beneath Mammoth Mountain as recorded on the seismic band of the POPA borehole dilatometer. Top: Unfiltered records of the 100 to 0.1 sec seismic band. Middle: Low-pass records (5 sec). Bottom: Band-pass records (2.0 – 0.2 sec). The high-frequency events evident in the bottom traces represent spasmodic bursts as well as some LP events accompanying the VLP earthquakes.



No significant deformation episodes were recorded during 2000. The two-color EDM data show small fluctuations about a slight contraction (susbsidence) of the resurgent dome of between 0.5 to 1.0 cm for the year. The center of the resurgent dome remains roughly 80 cm higher than in the late 1970’s prior to the onset of the last two decades of caldera unrest. It’s noteworthy that, in contrast to Yellowstone and Campi Flegrei (Italy) calderas, which showed pronounced uplift through the early 1980’s followed by partial subsidence, Long Valley caldera has yet to show any significant subsidence. Rabaul caldera in Paupa New Guinea, the other large caldera with well-documented deformation over the last couple of decades, showed sustained uplift at varying rates through the 1980’s and early 1990’s with no evidence of subsidence until the onset of eruptive activity in September 1994.





Hydrological monitoring in the caldera revealed no significant changes in water well or stream flow that might be attributable to caldera unrest.


Carbon dioxide flux measurements carried out during the snow-free months in the Horseshoe Lake tree-kill area show a spectrum of short-term fluctuation that appears to be primarily related to local meteorological conditions. These measurements also show, however, that the total CO2 flux has remained relatively steady over the past several years with no indication of a systematic decline with time. CO2 soil-gas measured at fixed depths in the Horseshoe Lake tree-kill area continue to show an annual variation with snow depth and occasional temporary fluctuations during the snow-free months. The only notable fluctuation in CO2 concentrations during 2000 occurred at the Laurel Springs station (LSP), which showed a spike in late April and a number of spikes from mid-June through September. The process leading to these spikes remains to be determined. At this point, however, these Laurel Springs spikes do not represent a hazard of the sort associated with the sustained high CO2 flux in the Mammoth Mountain tree-kill areas




Earthquake activity in the region for the year 2000 was lower than for any previous year since 1978. Most of the earthquake activity in the region was associated with the decaying aftershock sequence to the series of three M>5 earthquakes of 8 June and 14 July 1989 and 15 May 1999, which defines a 15-km-long, linear zone of epicenters extending to the south-southwest into the Sierra Nevada from the southeastern margin of the caldera (see Figure S9 above and the 1999 annual summary). The Sierra Nevada activity included some 13 earthquakes of magnitude M=3.0 or larger. The largest of these (and the largest in the vicinity of Long Valley caldera) was a M=3.8 earthquake on 20 January located between Mt Morrison and Convict Lake.


Earthquakes of note elsewhere in the region include a M~4 event on 4 March located beneath the northwest side of Fish Lake Valley (9 miles east of Boundary Peak at the North end of the White Mountains. Sporadic activity continued in this area over the next several months including a M=2.9 earthquake on 27 April and M=3.2 and 3.0 earthquakes on 6 August. The Fish Lake Valley area has produced a number of small to moderate earthquakes over the past 20 years including a M=5.5 event on 24 September 1982 and half a dozen events of M=4.0 or larger. To the south, M=3.0 and M=2.9 earthquakes on 21 June were located in the Owens Valley 12 miles south of Big Pine. These events fall within the northern end of the rupture zone of the M~7.6  Owens Valley earthquake of 1872.