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About Us

The UK Intelligence Agencies

GCHQ is one of the three UK Intelligence Agencies and a part of the UK's National Intelligence Machinery. GCHQ works in partnership with the Security Service (also known as MI5) and the Secret Intelligence Service (also known as MI6) to protect the UK's national security interests.

The Agencies act within the law. All their operations are conducted within a framework of legislation that defines their roles and activities. In summary, their operations must relate to national security, the prevention or detection of serious crime, or the UK's economic well-being.

Much greater detail on the UK's National Intelligence Machinery, the roles of the Agencies, legislation, accountability and funding can be found at www.intelligence.gov.uk. See also the MI5 and MI6 websites.

About GCHQ

GCHQ's headquarters are in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. We have two much smaller sites in Cornwall and Yorkshire but most of the c5500 staff work at the impressive state of the art building at Benhall in Cheltenham. The building, often referred to locally as the Doughnut, is a dramatic landmark at the entrance to the spa town of Cheltenham.

Aerial view of Benhall

Aerial view of Benhall

A second smaller site, occupied by some of our staff, is located in the Oakley area of Cheltenham.

M Block Oakley


Director GCHQ reports to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. Our primary customers are the Ministry of Defence, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and law enforcement agencies but we also serve a wide range of other Government Departments.

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