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About the Loyolan

Published: Monday, September 22, 2008

Updated: Monday, October 6, 2008

The Los Angeles Loyolan is a student-run newspaper that publishes twice weekly for the greater LMU community. The first copy is free of charge. Additional copies are $1 each. Paid, mailed subscriptions can be purchased through the Business department.

The Loyolan accepts unsolicited letters from students, faculty, staff and alumni, and press releases from on-campus and off campus organizations, but cannot guarantee publication. The Loyolan reserves the right to edit or reject all submissions, including advertisements, articles or other contributions it deems objectionable.

The views expressed in the Opinion section do not reflect the views of the Loyolan or LMU, but are solely the views of the author. Board Editorials are unsigned and reflect the opinions of the Executive Editorial Board. Guest editorials are by invitation of the Executive Editorial Board and reflect the views of the author.

All advertisements are subject to the current rates and policies in the 2008-09 Advertising Rates and Policies in the 2008-09 Advertising Rates and Information materials.

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