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Friday, April 30, 2010


Celebrity Astro Gossip

Celebrity Astro Gossip

Lindsay Lohan is having some serious personal issues. Larry King is acting like a 20 something year old who has a lot of money. Heidi Montag just is looking, well, fake these days. Jennifer Angel explores these three misguided souls.

Relationship Deal Breaker's

Knowing what your personal relationship deal breakers are can save a lot of dating anguish. Couples waste more time than they should on relationships that simply won’t work out in the long run.

Mercury Retrograde – April 18 – May 12

Take cover, it’s Mercury retrograde time again! Thinking Planet, Mercury the messenger goes retrograde (out of phase) three to four times a year for around 3 weeks each time.

Giving Back - The Art of Giving

There is tremendous power that comes with giving back to your community and to those who are living a less fortunate lifestyle than yourself. You can lend a hand by using your knowledge or your passions to help make a difference in someone else's life.

If it's your birthday...

Happy birthday, Taurus! You are a unique and complex person. You like to keep life interesting. This year, you need... Read more

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I'm sorry!

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