Suicide bomber attacks police in South Russia, officer killed

Published 09 April, 2010, 15:17

Edited 09 April, 2010, 21:29

The head of a district police department was shot dead by a female suicide terrorist in South Russian republic of Ingushetia. When police returned fire, the woman exploded a bomb strapped to her body.

Russian news agencies reported on Friday that another suicide attack took place in the republic of Ingushetia, in the south of Russia, bordering Chechnya. A woman approached a group of law enforcers who were sealing off the area of a special operation and shot an officer with a pistol.

Other policemen returned fire and ordered the woman to surrender, but she detonated a bomb that was hidden on her body, killing herself. The wounded officer died in hospital a short time later. Russian media reported that he had held the post of the head of the district department of the Interior Ministry.

Some media also reported that the woman was the wife of a militant the law enforcers were seeking to arrest, but Ingush police have dismissed these reports.

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