Topic - google

Internet and Media, Internet

Bada Bing, Bada Boom?

Microsoft's Bing gets some traction in online search, according to the numbers in from ComScore.
Internet and Media, Investments, Media, Internet

New Message: Google Unveils Google Voice

After nearly two years since Google gobbled up GrandCentral's VoIP system the search giant relaunches a new SMS text version.
Internet and Media, Internet

Google Launches Targeted Ads on YouTube

Search engine giant looks to cash in from placing targeted ads gathered from your surfing habits.
Internet and Media, Internet

Google Earth Maps Wildfires Downunder

Internet search giant helps track bushfires in Southern Australia.
Internet and Media, Hardware, Investments, International, Media, Internet, Gadgets

That Sucking Sound at CES

I don’t need to see any more. I am ready to give my official review of CES: Two thumbs down. The show is uneventful, and at times depressing.
Internet and Media, International, Internet

Google's Chrome Ready for Primetime

Three months after its inception Chrome hits 10 million users.
Internet and Media, International, Internet

Newsflash: We're in Recession, Stocks Tank

It's Official: Not that most people didn't already know this basic fact but now there is no doubt, just in case you were on the fence.
Media, Internet, Gaming

Google’s Lively is Short-Lived

The new year spells the end for Google’s ailing virtual world.
Internet and Media, Investments, International, Media, Internet

Microsoft Says 'No' to Yahoo, Again

CEO Steve Ballmer once again dismissed any interest in taking over battered Internet company despite departure of Jerry Yang.
Internet and Media, International, Internet

YouTube to Run 'Googled' Ads

Google's video-sharing arm looks to try and cash in by posting ads in YouTuber's search requests.
Internet and Media, International, Internet

YouTube Sizes-up Hollywood Movie Deal

Google's off-spring looks to cash in from broadcasting movies online.
Internet and Media, Internet

YouTube Election Becomes the Twitter Election

Thousands of microbloggers report on their iPhones and Androids about voting experiences as they exit the election polls.
Internet and Media, Internet

Silicon Valley CEOs Urge Employees to vote on

Tech CEOs unite by providing employees an extra hour off work to enable them take the time to cast their vote.
Internet and Media, International, Internet

Lighten-Up: LinkedIn Launches Third-Party Apps

Business networking site follows MySpace and Facebook by opening up platform with Intelligent Applications program to lure users.
Mobile, Gadgets, Gaming

EA to Bring Three Games to Android

EA to support Google’s platform with some classic titles.
Mobile, Internet and Media, Hardware, Misc ..., Investments, International, Misc, Media, Internet

Google's Open-Source Android Gets Hacked

Is Android's sky falling? Super-hacker Charlie Miller and his team get the better of T-Mobile's G1 operating system.
Internet and Media, International, Internet

Russia Stops Google's Advance

Not so fast Comrade: Russia's Antimonopoly Service blocks Google's aqusition of contextual advertising firm Zao Begun.

Motorola Jumps on the Android Bandwagon

A job posting by the telco giant boosts speculations that the company is working on an Android-based social-networking smart phone.
Internet and Media, International, Internet

YouTube to Run Full-Length CBS Shows

Google-owned video sharing site moves to increase advertising revenues by running full-length TV episodes online.
Internet and Media, Internet

Google to Prevent Users from Getting an E.U.I

Google Mail to act as a sobriety tester preventing 'Beer Goggled' advances and the sending of potentially embarrassing emails.
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