Nintendo Space World

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Space World was a video game trade show hosted by Nintendo, typically to unveil new consoles or handhelds. Unlike most other video game trade events, Space World was not held annually or at any other set interval; Nintendo usually made a decision to hold the show or not by mid-July. It has historically always taken place inside Japan, in either Kyoto (where Nintendo is headquartered) or Tokyo.

[edit] Notable events

At the 1995 Space World show, games in two of Nintendo's most familiar series were unveiled to the public, along with a short test of the Nintendo 64 console; Zelda 64, the working title for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Super Mario 64. Super Mario 64 was near finished and was soon due for release. Zelda 64, however, was not to release for another three years, due to delays of both in-game development and hardware (delays with the Nintendo 64DD).

During the 2000 Space World, a compilation trailer of Nintendo licenses running on GameCube hardware excited many fans. The last Space World occurred in 2001, featuring the then recently released Nintendo GameCube and Game Boy Advance. Some speculated another Space World would be held in 2005 for the formal unveiling of Nintendo's next console, Revolution (the development name for the Wii). This speculation was incorrect as Nintendo chose to fully reveal the details of the Wii at E3 2006. However, there was a Space World-type event under the name of Nintendo World 2006.

[edit] Systems unveiled at Space World