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  1. The Ladies of Red Dead Redemption

    Take an exclusive look at the women of Red Dead Redemption in this brand-new trailer!

  2. Heavy Rain Review

    This deeply moving adventure adapts to your every action and is not to be missed.

  3. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands First Look

    The prince from the Sands of Time trilogy is back, and we find out what he was up to before his adventures in Warrior Within.

  4. Borderlands: General Knoxx DLC First Look

    We get an exclusive first look at the new content for 2K's funky first-person shooter.

  5. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    We play through an extended chunk of DICE's upcoming shooter to see if it's still got the great character which made the first game special.

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  1. 3.Greed Corp
    • Release Date: 02/25/10
    • Cost: $9.99