Brain Training

Did you know that just like how you lose muscle mass with age, your brain function begins to decrease when you reach maturity? This happens even if you lead a normal, healthy life.

A Few Minutes a Day

Everyone knows you can prevent muscle loss with exercise, and use such activities to improve your body over time. And the same could be said for your brain. The design of Brain Age is based on the premise that cognitive exercise can improve blood flow to the brain. All it takes is as little as a few minutes of play time a day. For everyone who spends all their play time at the gym working out the major muscle groups, don't forget - your brain is like a muscle, too. And it craves exercise.

Getting the Most out of Your Prefrontal Cortex

The prefrontal cortex is like the control tower of your brain-it determines how you use stored knowledge in practical situations. That means that your "practical intelligence," or ability to apply stored knowledge to your everyday reality, depends upon how well your prefrontal cortex functions.

The Human Brain

A Brief Explanation of The Brain

Both hemispheres of the human brain are divided into four parts: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. The prefrontal region (which makes up a large part of the frontal lobe) is the foundation of creativity, memory, communication, and self-control. Its role could be described as the "brain within a brain."

Recent Neurological Research Regarding Brain Training

Research has shown that reading out loud and performing calculations quickly are effective for training your brain. The diagrams below and to the right show functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the blood flow in a brain. The red and yellow areas show which parts of the brain are working. Red indicates the hardest working portions of the brain, while yellow displays slightly less activity.

Training Your Brain with Brain Age

The key to training is sticking with it. This software was designed to work your brain with simple math-related activities and literature passages to read aloud. It will also be fun so you can continue to use and enjoy it every day! The best time to do this training is in the morning, when your brain is at its peak level of activity. Take a moment from your free time each day to complete your training.

Brain Training Videos

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Various Stages of Brain Activity

Brain Age in Action

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