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Fighting bugs: remove, retry, replicate, and rejuvenate

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2 Author(s)
Grottke, M. ; Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Duke Univ., Burham, NC ; Trivedi, K.S.

Even if software developers don't fully understand the faults or know their location in the code, software rejuvenation can help avoid failures in the presence of aging-related bugs. This is good news because reproducing and isolating an aging-related bug can be quite involved, similar to other Mandelbugs. Moreover, monitoring for signs of software aging can even help detect software faults that were missed during the development and testing phases. If, on the other hand, a developer can detect a specific aging-related bug in the code, fixing it and distributing a software update might be worthwhile. In the case of the Patriot missile-defense system, a modified version of the software was indeed prepared and deployed to users. It arrived at Dhahran on 26 February 1991 - a day after the fatal incident.

Published in:

Computer  (Volume:40 ,  Issue: 2 )