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Research Spotlight

flying mosquitoes

West Nile Virus

Research Bytes

Research Bytes

Undergraduate research at IU Southeast means independent inquiry—engaging students in the pursuit of answers to their own questions. Self-directed learning transforms the learning experience... and the learner. 
For IU Southeast student Steve Moberly, the love of learning lead to research about the West Nile virus. Along with other students and IU Southeast Professor of Biology, Claude Baker, Moberly helped identify the first Asian mosquito found in Indiana.
Learn more about Moberly’s research adventure.

Q&A Question: Can I go overseas to study?


Can I go Overseas to Study?

Can I study abroad?
Yes! IU Southeast offers several study abroad opportunities, plus you have access to more than 100 international study programs offered through IU. The world is yours: Spend a summer in London, a semester in France, or go even farther.

Can Financial Aid help me pay?
YES! In most cases, any and all of your financial aid can be used for a study abroad program. Plus you can apply for an Overseas Study scholarship.

Do I have to be fluent in a foreign language?
No. Many of our international programs do not require a foreign language fluency.