Super Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360)

Five Fighters We Want in Super Street Fighter IV

Martin Robinson
And five we most certainly don't.
Nov 25th, 2009 - Just a note on where we're coming from; Street Fighter IV was, for us, the highpoint of this year. Speak to us when we're still high on the adrenaline of a hyper-charged bout and we'll likely tell you it's the highpoint of the decade. Super Street Fighter IV, then, has us more than a little sweaty palmed, the prospect of new challengers, a new Ultra system (which Capcom is being coy on, but we've played it and would point anyone who wants a point of reference towards Street Fighter III's Super Arts) and the return of the car-trashing bonus rounds making the game more than the measure of anything else on the horizon in 2010.
We've played Juri - and as it stands she's SSFIV's very best.
So excuse us if we've got a little wistful about Super Street Fighter IV's extended character roster. We know a portion of the story– Super Street Fighter IV's Dee Jay and T.Hawk are being joined by the quite awesome Korean fighter Juri,all three of which we've played and all three of which we're already in love with, while Guy, Adon and Cody arethree recently unveiled combatants– but the unknowns are just as exciting.Capcom is happy to drip-feed the roster over the coming months, but we're not so happy waiting impatiently. So here's our wish-list of five characters from the series' past we want to see in Super Street Fighter IV– and five we'd rather never see again.
MakotoAlex and Elena might have led Street Fighter III's brave new roster, but it wasn't until the third edition of the game, 1999's Third Strike, that Capcom's bold vision for its prize series found its real star. Japanese teen karate student Makoto may look like a Ryu wannabe but in practice she's anything but, sporting a series of brutal close-quarters attacks that can be strung together in devious ways. In the right hands, she's as powerful as she is stylish, and is quite possible our favourite character from throughout the Street Fighter canon.
IbukiNinjas might be ten-a-penny in videogames, but none are as effortlessly cool as Ibuki, who– alongside Makoto– is one of a handful of characters worth salvaging from Street Fighter III. A downbeat rural fighter, she makes this list primarily for her style. She's no slouch in combat either, and while her specials lack the dazzle and spark of most of Street Fighter's cast Ibuki's still lethal in the right hands, juggling her opponents with some seemingly endless combos. Her style was perfectly in sync with the more technical game laid out in Street Fighter III, and how she'd fit into IV's world is anyone's guess– though we'd love to be able to find out for ourselves.
DudleyA British boxer from the upper classes, Dudley's reason for partaking in Street Fighter III's tournament was to reclaim his father's Jaguar. Uniquely snooty, Dudley's prone to calling his fellow pugilist's gutter trash in a wonderfully clipped voice, going on to celebrate victory by throwing a rose onto the crumpled mess that is his opponent. How could he not make our list? Supposedly inspired in part by Chris Eubank, Dudley's more of a gentlemen than Hove's lisped warrior could ever be, and we're hopeful that he's going to make the cut for Super Street Fighter IV. Next >>


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