Super Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360)

Three More Fighters in Super Street Fighter IV

Ryan Clements
Another handful of Street Fighter veterans join the fray.
Nov 25th, 2009 - Super Street Fighter IV, scheduled to launch sometime next year, will add new modes, characters, moves and more to the original Street Fighter IV experience. While we already knew that Super Street Fighter IV would feature Dee Jay, T. Hawk and brand new combatant Juri, there were still some new characters that were left in the dark. Until now.Capcom has just announced that Guy, Cody and Adon will also be featured as playable characters in Super Street Fighter IV. For gamers unfamiliar with these three fighters, both Guy and Cody were actually characters from the Final Fight franchise and have also made appearances in previous Street Fighter games. Guy is a ferocious, passionate martial artist, while Cody is a prison inmate that hungers for combat. Adon, on the other hand, originally appeared in the first Street Fighter game and then made subsequent appearances in the Alpha series. All three fighters should make for respectable additions to the game's already robust roster.If you're interested in seeing these new fighters in action, be sure to check the announcement trailer below and spend some time in our image gallery for all new art and screenshots. What better way to celebrate the holiday than with a little Street Fighter action?
Click above for the New Fighter trailer.

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