At the AV Club: Ted Leo covers Tears For Fears



Kentucky Violated NCAA Rules While Recruiting Basketball-Playing Dog 03.15.10

The NCAA will investigate the Kentucky program for major recruiting violations including improper gifts of milk bones and rope tug toys. more»

Sports »

Lazy Free Agent Wants To Try Out Over Phone


CHARLOTTE, NC—In an effort to avoid physical exertion, strenuous activity, and standing up, slothful free agent Hollis Thomas told several NFL general managers Friday that he would prefer to try out for their teams over the phone. more»

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Science & Technology



  • Fork Manufacturer Introduces Fifth Tine To Accommodate Growing American Mouthfuls
    20 minutes ago

    EVANSVILLE, IN—In an effort to keep pace with the rapid growth of American mouthfuls, flatware manufacturer KitchenMaster announced......more»

  • U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion
    9 minutes ago

    Bernanke WASHINGTON—"I've spent the last 24 years in this room yelling 'Buy, buy! Sell, sell!' but what have I actually accomplished? All I've done is move arbitrary designations of wealth from one column to another," said longtime stock trader Michael Palermo....more»

  • Stockwatch »

    Duke & Duke Commodities Brokers

    Stock prices plummeted today as proprietors Mortimer and Randolph Duke, believing a fraudulent orange crop report to be authentic, incurred a $394 million loss from their purchase of frozen concentrated orange juice futures at inflated prices, and, in turn, subsidized the fortunes of two men—a former privileged investor and a onetime street hustler—whose fates they had cruelly reversed in a contemptible low-stakes wager.

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