Advising your Student

Going to college can trigger a number of changes among students, parents, and siblings. Freshmen are probably excited about getting out on their own, but they are usually nervous, too. Here are some tips for parents.

Roommate conflicts are going to happen.
Encourage your student to talk out issues with his or her roommate. If problems continue, encourage your student to contact Residence Life and Housing staff for assistance.

College classes are supposed to be more difficult than high school.
College means having to learn new ways to study, take notes, and manage time. The adjustment can take time and self-discipline, but help is also easily available. You can advise your student to check out the resources IU Southeast has to offer. We can help with tutoring, study skills and note taking tips. We also have Writing Centers for help on college papers. Also, students shouldn’t be afraid to ask for advice from professors, upper-classmen, or their CA.

It’s normal for students question their future and what they want to do.
Help your student settle on his or her major by encouraging your student to visit the Career Services office or talk with their academic advisor. Remind your student that changing a major is very common and that college is the perfect time to explore different career options.

While your child is now on his or her own, they may still need help with finances and learning how to budget money.
Help your student develop a workable and realistic budget and determine how much you can afford to contribute to your student’s education and how much has to be covered by loans, scholarships, grants, or part-time jobs. Learn about our UCard program, which among other things, serves as a debit card for campus dining services, the bookstore, or the coffee shop and can also be used in the laundry rooms of the residence halls.

Everyone adjusts differently to college.
It’s normal to be homesick, but there are simple things you can do to help alleviate homesickness. Call your student at agreed upon times. Don’t expect or encourage your student to call before and after every class or every day. Remember birthdays, holidays and other special days with simple care packages, and send cards and letters since everyone likes to get mail. Encourage your student to get involved in campus activities and organizations, attend floor programs, and meet people.

If you are worried that your son or daughter is having a particularly difficult time making a successful transition to college, please contact us. We can assist your student in connecting with other students or help him or her gain access to free counseling services or additional support. Remember, we are here to help your student be successful.