Notice Manager Plugin


The Notice Manager was developed to help local project admins to create information needed before sending notice e-mails.

Up till now, it was not possible to change the e-mail address of users or to create information for users without adding the user to a credentials file, e.g. when you use LDAP to manage Trac permissions.

The Notice Manager allows to retrieve all information needed either from an LDAP directory - in this case, the methods provided by the LDAP plugin - or a local text file.

Please note, this plugin was developed for internal use. Feel free to add, change or delete as this plugin is our first experience with programming for python/trac.

One more note: This plugin requires the LdapPlugin to be installed - even if you only want the "local text file" variant. It doesn't install without.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for NoticeManagerPlugin are here. If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Download and Source

Download the zipped source, check out using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Go to the Admin page, General, E-Mail. This will show a list of accounts, which are either:

  • already registered, or
  • mentioned in the Trac-permissions

On the right side, you can fill in information, either by entering them manually (Add/Change Notice Info), by getting them from an LDAP directory (Information gathering ... from LDAP) or by retrieving the information from a local file (Information gathering ... local file).

The file follows a simple syntax, on one line, list the id, the name and the e-mail address, divided by the ':' sign, e.g.

 bla:Test Account:bla@localhost.localdomain

Please note: In order to use LDAP groups for assigning tickets, the LDAP group prefix has to be changed from "@" to "*". If you dont change the prefix, you will not be able to send e-mail to the LDAP group when assigning ticket responsibilities.

Recent Changes

[6745] by morodin on 10/19/09 13:55:08

Needed to use a different index for userinfos, as clearsilver has has a problem wenn looping through arrays with keys containing the "." character

[6137] by morodin on 07/01/09 18:03:31

file parsing bug corrected, now able to handle comments

[6074] by morodin on 06/22/09 17:39:52

Removed unnecessary buttons and fields

[6073] by morodin on 06/22/09 17:04:49

Corrected problem with import and global context


Author: morodin