Onion News Network

The Onion

In Minnesota activists are out in full force today to protest a new bill that would ban marriage between people who don't love each other. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty expressed his intention to sign the bill earlier this week saying, "I believe the definition of marriage is a union between two people who love each other." In addition to outlawing future loveless unions the so-called Purity of Marriage Act would also nullify an estimated 53% of marriages in Minnesota. Loveless couple gathered at the state capital today to voice their opinion that all couples have a right to be married, not just those who can stand each other's company. Beth and I have been sitting silently in front of the TV set for 2 you can't tell me that's not marriage. Our feelings of co-dependence are just as strong as a happy couple's love. Just because I talk to her less than I talk to the dog that doesn't mean that what we have isn't marriage. We didn't choose to feel nothing for each other that is just the way we are. Joining us now from Saint Paul is Onion News Network legal expert Olivia Walker. - Hi Damon. Olivia, this is a real surprise since Minnesota has long been considered a real Mecca for loveless couples. - Right. The state is full of bland suburbs and buffet restaurants serving endless piles of food, which loveless couple use to fill the void in their hearts. Where is the support for this bill coming from? Well, the bill supporters say that for too long they have had to watch these people flaunt their loveless ness, bickering over which peanut butter to buy in grocery stores, and violently brushing lint off of each others' jackets. So, for them these miserable couples offend the very idea of marriage? That is right. There have been reports from around the state of loveless couples suffering harassment. - That's a shame. - Even vandalism. Olivia, what about the people who argue that loveless couples can still live together unhappily even if their sexless unions aren't technically considered marriage? Marriage has legal implications as well. For instance, if one member of a loveless couple got sick their spouse could no longer visit them in the hospital to berate them about how much that medical bill is going to cost. Well Olivia, not so long ago loveless couple felt they had to hide but the crowds there today show that many people are now comfortable with being openly indifferent to their spouses. That's right. As recently as the 197 loveless couples were sent to camps where it was believed they could be cured of their loveless ness by undergoing group therapy and sharing exercises. But even if the Minnesota law passes loveless marriage activists will almost certainly try to bring this before the Supreme Court. Right, and there it could face a lot of opposition. At least four of the justices are rumored to be in loveless marriages themselves. Well, thanks for the update Olivia. Later in the hour we'll talk to our economics expert Joshua Russell who says a ban on loveless marriage could cripple the already flagging cruise ship industry. But first Shyla Buff has signed a deal with Paramount to ruin another one of your childhood memories. Still ahead this hour: Surgeon Admiral adds nausea warning labels to all seafaring vessels.