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BOY SCOUTS (SHOOTING) TODAY NOW! Script/Idea: Principe This draft: 1/13/08 (CLK) INT. TODAY NOW! STUDIO - DEMO AREA Jim looks to his side as if talking to someone. JIM While I get all this spray cheese off the floor, Tracy is going to be talking to two special young men who making a difference in their community. INT. TODAY NOW! STUDIO TRACY Thanks, Jim. We've all heard heartwarming stories about Boy Scouts and their community service. But a couple of scouts have decided to take on a serious challenge: promoting the early detection of breast cancer. With us now are Zach Hanaford and Brian Seitz of Troop 684 in Whitehall, New York. ALTERNATE: TRACY (CONT'D) Thanks, Jim. With us today are a couple of boy scouts who have decided to take on a serious challenge: promoting the early of detection breast cancer. Welcome Zach Hanaford and Brian Seitz of Troop 684 in Whitehall, New York. ZACK and BRIAN are in scout uniforms. They're pimply, nervous 13-year-olds. Zack is smarter than Brian. ZACK Hey. BRIAN Hi. TRACY (CONT'D) So tell me about your project. ZACK In order to get our Eagle Scout badge, we need a community service project. So we're gonna help women do their breast exams. TRACY That's so great. Where did you get the idea to help? ALTERNATE: TRACY (CONT'D) (to camera) As all women should know, examining your breasts is an important way to find a breast cancer early, when it's most likely to be cured. (to boys) Where did you get the idea to help? BRIAN Well, Zack's dad's a doctor. And he had this poster in his office. And, uh, we were in his office looking at it. And then we decided we would like to do that-- like, help women do their exams. TRACY How wonderful. Do either of you know anyone who had breast cancer? ZACK I think maybe my grandma had it, so it's always been really important to me, personally. BRIAN Yeah, this is really, really important to us. We'll do anything for women so they don't die of cancer. TRACY Besides regular breast exams, what are some other ways women can lower their risk of breast cancer risk? BRIAN I think that's pretty much it. ZACK Well, this is the best first step. But lots of girls don't know how to examine themselves correctly, or at all. TRACY But you did a lot of research. ZACK Yeah, we looked all over the internet for the best web sites. GRAPHIC: A few real web sites about breast cancer. They all show women cupping their breasts or have women showing some skin. Zack stares into the camera as if staring gape-mouthed at these websites on a monitor. TRACY We're seeing some of them now. BRIAN Yeah, these ones are really good. ZACK But even the information on those can be kind of confusing so women should really ask us for help. BRIAN Yeah, like there are things besides a lump that might mean you have breast cancer. TRACY Such as? ZACK Uh, we have some pamphlets and stuff that list them that we can give you if come over for the exam. BRIAN It'd be easier that way. ZACK For the women. TRACY So how is your program going to work. Where do you plan to do these breast exams? BRIAN We're gonna do them in Zack's parents' basement. ZACK Yeah, it's not like a basement basement. It's like a family room with carpet and everything. And we set up a place to do the examinations with a screen and nice table and stuff. TRACY Wow. You guys have put a lot of work into this. ZACK It's really important to us. Cause we're feminists. INSET GRAPHIC: We see a very crude, basic web site. In large print: "FACT: A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. every three minutes." And: "Prevention is KEY!" And also: "Send in your pics!!" Maybe a medical cross-section of a breast. TRACY Well, I'm talking to two future Eagle Scouts here. You've even put together your own web site to help spread the word about your project. ZACK My older brother Ted is our advisor and he knows some HTML so he helped us make the site. TRACY I see it lists your phone number. BRIAN Yeah, girls can call us up and we'd even go right to their houses if they need us to. ZACK Right. GRAPHIC: One of these flyers. A handwritten sign offers "Free BREAST EXAM instruction." The bottom has a row of easy-tear off phone number slips. ZACK (CONT'D) We also made a bunch of flyers and put them up all over. PHOTO: Zack and Brian sit at a card table. A hand-lettered sign says, "Let us examine your breasts." TRACY And here's a photo of you two getting the word out in your local community. Where is that? ZACK It's at a health club. We thought it would have lots of women who were... who needed help. TRACY I'll bet there are women who need help. I must admit that when I do my exam, I'm never totally sure I'm doing it right. BRIAN You should come over. We can help you. Anytime you want. Just come over. Zach elbows Brian and throws him a "cool it" look. TRACY I've been told that the key to a good self-breast examination is making them a regular part of normal routine. That way you get to know your breasts and will recognize changes. I like to do mine when I'm in the shower. BRIAN (gulp) ZACK That's good. TRACY But you can do it lying on a bed, too. ZACK Yeah. TRACY Well, I wish you luck with your project. Thanks for being here boys... BRIAN (to Zack) Should we tell her the thing about the age? ZACK Oh yeah, we're really trying to focus on younger women. Cause older women already know most of this stuff already. BRIAN Yeah. TRACY That's an excellent point. And remember, ladies: self-examination is not a replacement for more trustworthy techniques like mammography or an MRI. ZACK But you should do this first. CUT TO: JIM IN THE DEMO AREA. JIM MRIs? How 'bout DUIs! Up next, some angry, angry mothers celebrate over twenty-five years of MADDness... against drunk driving. Stick around. THE END.