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At the AV Club: Oscars Live Blog

Bullshit Story

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere 03.08.10

Excruciating up-to-the-minute coverage of some irrelevant bullshit story that has no ramifications whatsoever. more»

Sports »

Uh-Oh, Annoying Coworker Going To Tell You Why IndyCar Racing Completely Different From NASCAR

Indy Fan

KANSAS CITY, MO—Oh man, sources confirmed that it looks as though Paul Martinelli, that irritating guy from sales, is going to give you an entire breakdown of the differences between IndyCar and NASCAR... more»

Inside The Onion



  • Wal-Mart Shoppers Mocked By Target Shopper
    50 minutes ago

    OKLAHOMA CITY—Local shopper Craig Klein took a moment to mock a group of patrons in the parking lot of a local Wal-Mart during his drive......more»

  • National News Highlights »

    1 hour ago
    ATLANTA,GA-In a stroke of genius, Kevin Coffrin laid on his car horn while stuck on I-20, signaling his importance to surrounding drivers, who all immediately pulled aside and allowed him to pass effortlessly through the snarled traffic.



Science & Technology


  • Columnists »

    Jackie HarveyI've Got The Fever For The Flavor Of The Oscars!

    Item! Anyone who's read my column in the past knows that I am pretty outspoken about the Oscars. Even though I readily admit it's......more»

  • Corrections »

    On Tuesday, The Onion reported that no one was injured when fire was set to the I Luv Wigs! store. In fact, the alien wearing the purple curly one was burned to the ground. The Onion regrets the error and the loss of such a weird mannequin.


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