03.07.10 -- 5:59PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (2)

Or Maybe Not

The latest reports are casting doubt on whether or not Adam Gadahn was actually arrested today in Pakistan. Presumably we'll know more soon.

Late Update: The Times now says it was Abu Yahya Mujahdeen Al-Adam, also an American citizen, apparently born in Pennsylvania. Little else seems to be known about him.

I would not be surprised if this story too gets revised. It seems like there are still a lot of conflicting reports.

--Josh Marshall

03.07.10 -- 2:43PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (143)

Oh, This Should Be Fun

Adam Gadahn

Pakistani officials are reporting that Adam Gadahn has been captured in Pakistan.

If you're not familiar with Gadahn, he may be unique in the history of America's fight with al Qaida. Gadahn was born in Oregon and raised as a Christian, though he is of partly Jewish ancestry. He was born Adam Pearlman.

Unlike John Walker Lindh, a pretty shambling and lackluster jihadi, who showed up in Afghanistan and briefly fought with the Taliban before and after 9/11, Gadahn's the real deal. He genuinely joined al Qaida and has apparently been a fairly high-level operative in the organization, though he's mainly focused on making videos and being an al Qaida spokesman to the English-speaking world.

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--Josh Marshall

03.07.10 -- 12:25AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (11)

Iraq Elections Live-Blog

New York Times reporters in Iraq are live-blogging today's election.

--Josh Marshall

03.06.10 -- 7:32PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (216)

Blonde on Blonde

Wilhelmine Germany called. They want their Liz Cheney back.

--Josh Marshall

03.06.10 -- 5:04PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (196)

Deep Thought

If the Founders had believed in reconciliation they would have put it in the Constitution.

(JM, Smoking out the irony-challenged, one post at a time.)

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 7:25PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (54)

Slideshow: A History of the Filibuster

The long and not very distinguished history of the filibuster.

image content

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 6:25PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (84)

CNN Regrets 'Dept of Jihad?'

Wolf Blitzer just acknowledged on the air that yesterday's "Dept of Jihad?" chyron was "offensive." He also said, "CNN had no intention of suggesting that the Justice Department supports terrorism. Lawyers at the Justice Department are patriotic Americans."

image content

Video after the jump:

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--David Kurtz

03.05.10 -- 3:00PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (9)

Not Happening

Whatever Harry Reid is doing to raise his reelect numbers back in Nevada, it ain't working.

We look at the latest poll numbers.

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 2:25PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (8)

Gotta Be Prepared

Gun-rights extremists and survivalists are rallying around Bossier Parish Sheriff Larry Deen and his anti-terrorist, war wagon militia. "This will save lives!!!" writes one commenter at Gun Rights Forum.

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 2:13PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (24)

For the Children

"We need to preserve traditional values for the future of our children. Children must be raised with morals and principles. As a society, we must provide them with a secured and loving environment that allows them to flourish."

Those are words of California state Sen. Roy Ashburn (R-Bakersfield) at a rally he sponsored to protest the dangers of gay marriage back in 2005.

Ashburn has now taken a "leave of absence" from the day job after getting picked up on a DUI after leaving a gay night club on Wednesday morning. Ashburn of course was a longtime opponent of gay rights and gay marriage in particular. So just how anti-gay was Ashburn's public record? Justin Elliott's tallies up the votes and positions.

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 2:09PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (17)


The parents of the Pentagon shooter reportedly warned local law enforcement officials their son might be armed and dangerous.

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 12:46PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (29)

All Hands on Deck

Theda Skocpol says it's time for every Dem and progressive to get on board with Obama's final push for Health Care Reform.

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 12:10PM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (23)

Playing for Keeps

J.D. Hayworth has rolled out a new ad mocking John McCain as "nominee for best conservative actor" and photoshopping him with Avatar-like war paint. McCain's supporters have responded by invoking the McCain-may-not-be-mocked rule and demanding the ad be taken down.

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 11:30AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (15)

Accepting Crumbs From Minions

Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY): I caved on my filibuster because "Harry Reid and his minions that run around after him" promised me a vote. Watch.

--David Kurtz

03.05.10 -- 11:24AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (20)

Time to Cower

Flashback to Attorney General Eric Holder talking about the civilian trials of detainees in his congressional testimony last November, back when we were still brave and strong and resolute:

We need not cower in the face of this enemy. Our institutions are strong, our infrastructure is sturdy, our resolve is firm, and our people are ready.

Or not.

--David Kurtz

03.05.10 -- 11:00AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (6)


Seems like that planned GOP fundraiser down at the Blackwater compound in North Carolina is not to be.

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 10:38AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (178)

Down Low

I'm always surprised at how many fiercely anti-gay politicians are not only gay themselves (that doesn't surprise me at all) but living at least relatively open gay lives without news of their sexuality becoming public until some fortuitous event brings it to light. Yesterday I noted the case of California state Senator Roy Ashburn, a big supporter of Prop 8 and long-time opponent of gay rights, who was picked up early Wednesday morning on a DUI after leaving a gay nightclub in Sacramento with an unnamed man. It turns out that Ashburn has apparently been a regular at Sacramento gay night spots for years. That's according to the openly gay Mayor of West Sacramento, Christopher Cabaldon.

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--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 10:13AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (51)

Being a Father is ...

Getting dressed to go to work in the morning and finding an Ice Age action figure in your boot.

--Josh Marshall

03.05.10 -- 9:52AM // RECOMMEND RECOMMEND (108)

What Are They Thinking?

Attorney General Eric Holder

Looks like being Obama's attorney general requires putting your manhood in a blind trust.

Let me just make one point on the politics of this decision, since politics is clearly what's driving it. If the White House retreats from a civilian trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed and the others, not only is it terribly weak optics in the short run, but it cements in the public mind for the long term all the worst fears Republicans have not just been able to sow, but will continue to sow.

Think of the worst possible scenario for what would have happened to New York City, no matter how remote, then insert that into a campaign ad. There's no way to disprove what might have been. Human nature will be to focus on the bullet that we supposedly dodged. Whereas if you actually suck it up and proceed with the trial, it takes all the wind of out that sail. People still go to work, buildings don't fall down, the ground doesn't open up and swallow Manhattan. Democrats show they're strong and resolute and the issue goes away.

That's the real politics of this. Not that it should be decided on the politics. But since the White House is already going there, let's be honest that it's a terrible political misjudgment, in addition to the layers and layers of damaging legal precedent.

--David Kurtz

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