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Why Subscribe?

Your Site membership provides:

  • Original stories, created in a unique manner, to help you learn and do research
  • Key references, and primary sources, linked in-context
  • Relevant search results for targeted topics
  • Newsletters - including ideas for educators and research topics for students
  • Access to all narrated stories
  • Full use of lesson plans, discussion topics and author observations
  • A new way to view art, ancient artifacts, original documents and annotated maps
  • A guide for using the web beyond email, news, stocks and on-line purchases
  • A great alternative to watching television

You can choose one (or both) of two memberships:

  • Academic-group membership
  • Individual membership, including students

Privacy Policy

  • Your security and privacy are of the utmost importance to us.
  • Our goal is your complete satisfaction with
  • Your information is used by AwesomeStories Internet Productions for the sole purpose of maintaining your membership and is not sold or made available to any third party.

Note from the Editor:

An enormous amount of work and resources, over a ten-year period, has gone into the creation of AwesomeStories. We'd greatly appreciate your telling others about it.

As requested by countless site users, we produce monthly newsletters.  They provide information about new stories, current events and related materials available on the site.  We ask for email addresses so we can deliver those electronic newsletters.

We produce story narrations to help people who learn better by sound than sight, to aid students of English, to provide a resource for adult education and to assist those who are tackling the current adult-literacy crisis.  This audio resource is only available to site members.

And ... at the request of thousands of educators ... we now create lesson plans.  The site helps individuals to learn about cause/effect, research/writing, topic-selection/story development.  The lesson plans help educators to focus their students on those issues.  Seventy lesson plans will soon be online for members.  Samples are available for everyone.

You can access all the chapters, in all the stories - plus see all the images, videos, etc., in the site - without charge and without restriction.  If you chose to subscribe, we'll welcome you as a member.  If you chose not to subscribe, we'll welcome you as a visitor.

Signing up is easy!

When you become a member of Awesome Stories ... You can see everything on the site (including an extensive image data base), explore all its features (including narrated stories), dig deeper (with lesson plans and text documents) and hear from us once a month (with a newsletter profiling current events and hot topics).

Join the site today.  It's all free!
