Ken Schram: A boost for the snake oil salesman


Tim Eyman's star was fading until state Democrats gave it a spiffy new shine with their heavy-handed blunder of wiping 960 off the books.

Story Published: Feb 25, 2010 at 9:28 AM PST

Story Updated: Feb 25, 2010 at 6:52 PM PST

Ken Schram: A boost for the snake oil salesman
There it was, staring at me from the KOMO News website.

Yet another reason for me to be all ticked off at state Democrats.

It was the picture of media whore Tim Eyman standing behind Governor Chris Gregoire; the uninvited guest displaying his desperate need for attention.

Gregoire was in the process of signing the bill repealing initiative 960.

I'll not repeat my oft stated objections to what the governor and her contingent of political lemmings have done, but seeing Timmy holding his nose over the governor's shoulder made it clear that there's one more downside to what the Democrats have done.

They've given new luster to Eyman.

Given Timmy's spotty initiative efforts of late, there was evidence that people were finally seeing him for what he is: a self-serving, self-appointed activist who makes a whole wheel barrow full of money selling political snake oil.

Timmy's star was fading, until state Democrats gave it a spiffy new shine with their heavy-handed blunder of wiping 960 off the books.

The governor was smiling in the picture I saw.

So was little Timmy.

I guess it was a happy time for them.

For the rest of us?

Not so much.


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