CAMRA - Campaigning for Real Ale, Pubs and Drinkers rights since 1971


Campaigning for Real Ale, Pubs and Drinkers' rights since 1971

Pub Discount Scheme

CAMRA Discount Scheme, Support for Community Pubs

CAMRA Discount Scheme Poster CAMRA has launched a new initiative to help drive trade to community pubs by introducing a national, unified real ale discount scheme for CAMRA members.

Plenty of kind pubs across Britain already offer CAMRA card-carrying members discounts on the real ales they sell. This new scheme will help these pubs, and hopefully some new pubs, to clearly promote these offers to CAMRA members resulting in hopefully more trade.

If there is a good take up for this scheme, then CAMRA hopes to launch an online database in the future for CAMRA members to search for the pubs that are participating in this scheme.

Sign up a pub to the scheme

How does the CAMRA Discount Scheme work?

Standard Membership Card Silver Membership Card Gold Membership Card

CAMRA have produced empty-belly posters for pubs to display the discounts they are offering to CAMRA members behind the bar. This will help CAMRA members identify that the pub is participating in the scheme.

These posters have space for the pub to write in the discount they are offering to CAMRA members on pints and half pints.

The discount is at the discretion of the pub and can be as little or as large as the pub feels suits their business.

The poster also offers space for the pub to add any Terms and Conditions of the offer or additional discounts on items such as accommodation or food.

Which pubs can participate in the scheme?

All real ale pubs can participate in this scheme.

If a pub is not a freehouse, but would like to participate, then it is up to the licensee / manager to discuss the logistics and participation with the pub owning company.

How do pubs sign up to the scheme?

Real ale pubs can sign up to the scheme by clicking here or at the bottom of this page. The pub will then be sent a FREE promotional pack in the post.

CAMRA branch officials can also sign-up pubs by clicking here or at the bottom of the page. It is important that CAMRA branch officials get approval from pub licensees / managers before they order the promotional packs on their behalf and submit online the discounts the pub offers to CAMRA members.

Pub licensee / managers and CAMRA branch officials can also order promotional packs by calling CAMRA Head Office on 01727 867201.

Sign up a pub to the scheme

230 Hatfield Rd, St Albans, AL1 4LW. Tel:01727 867 201 Email:
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