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Bloody Disgusting Interviews
We pick the brains of horror's biggest names

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The Uninvited Set Visit: Producer Walter F. Parkes
"And it was a very, very costly purchase because this was now when the Asian horror cycle was at its peak in Hollywood. So, everyone was trying to scramble go get this. I think the movie, the Korean movies kind of a work of genius, but I still don’t understand it after repeated viewings."
By: Slice

While She Was Out: Writer-Director Susan Montford
"I am a big fan of horror, I was just thinking about this, as a kid growing up in Scotland every Saturday night it was like horror fest with the Hammer films. There was also a TV show called Tales of The Unexpected, and it was the thing you looked forward to every week when you were a child."
By: SpookyDan

My Name Is Bruce: Director/Star Bruce Campbell
"To say “Groovy” or “Boomstick.” They want you to say lines that they could hear if they really wanted to. But they want you to say it, so I convince them that I’m not their little monkey and therefore I don’t have to say it. I’m out of batteries."
By: Jeff Otto

Friday the 13th (2009) Set Visit: Star Derek Mears
"I’m not like walking around with my make up on but I am a fan of the series, it is my favorite iconic horror character. It was wild, before they were going to do a remake, I was like alright, life goal and I have lots and lots of stupid life goals and a lot of them keep happening and coming true. And one of them was, if they every do a remake of FRIDAY THE 13TH, man, I would love to play Jason."
By: MrDisgusting

Friday the 13th (2009) Set Visit: Star Jared Padalecki
"I wouldn’t say it’s campy, I would say it has a very real feel to it. Almost like the Chainsaw remake they did. Where it just seems like real people going out and everybody has a fleshed out character."
By: MrDisgusting

Friday the 13th (2009): Writers Damian Shannon & Mark Swift
"That’s a great question, we knew it was kind of incidental how he gets the mask in the original PART III. We knew we wanted to build a moment out of it. I think, for us, it is a great way to get the mask. But it is more up to the fans and what they think. But for us, we like it."
By: MrDisgusting

Friday the 13th (2009) Set Visit: Star Travis Van Winkle
"First of all, I bring them all to my cabin, and I really like this girl, Jenna, I wanna f*ck her and that’s basically why I bring her out here. But I have to have some other guys and other girls here so it doesn’t look like I’m trying to f*ck her. So there’s my motivation to bring them out here."
By: MrDisgusting

Friday the 13th (2009) Set Visit: Star Julianna Guill
"I’m still trying to figure out what they are going to do me, because I know they have my stunt double up there, whose going fall on a car. And there’s a shot of me up in the window but I don’t know. I am assuming there’s something going on."
By: MrDisgusting

Friday the 13th (2009) Set Visit: Producer Brad Fuller
"I don’t think we had any master plan of what the company was going to be. Our first movie happened to be a remake and we wanted to stay in business. We wanted to all have jobs and the next thing that came our way was another remake so we did those next two movies."
By: MrDisgusting

Friday the 13th (2009) Set Visit: Star Danielle Panabaker
"It is terrifying! He is terrifying, the way that Derek moves, the way he embodies Jason and the way Jason moves, is terrifying."
By: MrDisgusting

The Haunting of Molly Hartley: Director Mickey Liddell
"The plot revolves around a young girl who’s about to turn eighteen and is trying to make a fresh start after her mother’s psychotic break. She doesn’t know who she can trust – including her friends and her parents. In the same way that Rosemary’s Baby dealt with a woman who was pregnant and didn’t know if what she was going through was because she was having a child or if something was really wrong,"
By: MrDisgusting

Shoreline CEO Morris Ruskin Talks Horror!
"Despite the lackluster box office, THE SIGNAL is a success story because it sold for so much more than the budget. Not only did it sell in the US but it also sold well in France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the UK, Australia, etc."
By: SpookyDan

The Unborn Set Visit: Writer-Director David Goyer
"Well, I knew about dibbuks ever since I was a kid. I’m half Jewish, I went to Hebrew school and so when I was growing up, like anybody, I was into monsters and I thought about it and was like “are there any Jewish monsters?” So there’s like the dibbuk and the golum and that’s pretty much it."
By: MrDisgusting

Eden Lake: Writer-Director James Watkins
"I got obsessed with the fear of youth. It’s a big thing here- whether the fear is justified, it’s there. I thought there was this great inter-generational powderkeg and wanted to light the fuse…"
By: MrDisgusting

Train: Star Thora Birch
"Yeah. And I think the basic premise is the same: they get trapped on the train. But this is a business, the killers are a group of people doing a job. They enjoy their work, but it’s still a job for them."
By: BC

100 Feet: Writer-Director Eric Red
"On “100 FEET” we went old school and back to classic thrillers where the reliance is on suspense, tension and suggestion rather than body count to keep the people on the edge of their seat."

Sorority Row: Director Stewart Hendler
"I fell in love with the project the minute I read the script because I thought it had a chance to be one of those movies that steps beyond the genre—it’s scary, sexy, smart, and has something for everyone."
By: MrDisgusting

Feast 2: Sloppy Seconds: Director John Gulager
"This one starts out at the end of Feast 2, obviously. They want to escape out of town, but they end up going into the sewer. So they’re back in the darkness, and kind of crawling toward the city."
By: BC

Splinter: Writer-Director Toby Wilkins
"The Splinter creature was the combined brain-child of myself and my good friend George Cawood, and has been rattling around in both our heads for several years. The basic idea is a creature that takes over your body from the inside, regardless if you are dead, or alive and resisting."
By: MrDisgusting

Train: Writer-Director Gideon Raff
"Special FX was a huge challenge but I had a great crew of people who always came up with creative solutions. Every night after we finished shooting, and every morning before we started, they dragged me to their trailer to show me all the cool stuff they came up with."
By: MrDisgusting

The Mother of Tears: Director Dario Argento
"For the moment, I think I am the only one in Italy doing this kind of thing. Horror films are expensive, because of the special effects, so it’s not so easy to find the money for these films. Distributors look to invest in something simple and easy, a comedy. They don’t have to spend anything, just for the actors."
By: BC

Deadgirl: Star Noah Segan
"The upcoming movies are about as bloody as anyone could expect and emotional, as well. I can't say literally or figuratively but l I've managed to personally be "separated" from many things I "love", in more than one of those flicks. You can definitely read into that."
By: MrDisgusting

Child's Play: Creator Don Mancini
"The documentaries were really good. And I myself, that movie was shot during the writer’s strike in 1988, so I was not on set. So some of that stuff on the documentaries - I had never seen it before! "
By: BC

Sukiyaki Western Django: Director Takashi Miike
"I think American horror is based on a battle between gods and demons, or between ordinary and insane people. Japanese horror is based on the grudge of people whether it’s related to gods or insane people."
By: MrDisgusting

Acolytes (TIFF 08) Director Jon Hewitt
"I like stories to be layered, freaked with subtext. So on the surface ACOLYTES is a chiller - a story of twists, turns, shocks and reveals that inhabits that edgy generic territory found between drama and horror."
By: MrDisgusting

Deadgirl (TIFF 08): Directors Marcel Sarmiento & Gadi Harel
"The bloody horror flick stuff is in there for sure but the story lends itself more to a thriller. There's some awful stuff that happens but it never was a story about a killer with a hook for a hand and a deadly grudge or anything like that. What we loved about the script was that it never went too far into traditional horror movie territory and therefore never really let the audience find a comfort zone."
By: MrDisgusting

Exclusive Interview With FX Legend Greg Nicotero
"It is something I have fallen into…..many of the director’s we worked with trust me and know that I will do my best to get our work to look as good as it can on screen….and that has opened a lot of doors….and after doing it more and more you get a flair and a vision for it."
By: MrDisgusting

Pink Eye: Director James Tucker
"Blood, women, good acting and some scares. When we create a horror film, we hope it's a story that viewers enjoy and are drawn into. We get there by making what we would want to see, something different with good acting and a strong story and then we hope for the best."
By: MrDisgusting

The Thaw: Director Mark A. Lewis
"The type you would classify as Sci-Fi Thriller first, Horror second. Like Alien or The Thing. In fact, when looking for inspiration I looked to Star Wars before Saw - though I did peek at the latter a couple times as there were similarities (mostly setting and I needed some ideas for amputating limbs)."
By: MrDisgusting

25/8: Writer-Director Wes Craven at the SDCC '08
"I mean, it just came to me. What I call my shower thoughts. Occasionally I just have an idea, completely like, shampoo in my eyes or something…you just have to jump out of the shower and write it down. It just came to me. I don’t know why, but this guy, this normal guy, has schizophrenia but it’s completely under treatment."
By: MrDisgusting

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