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Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution Provides Millions Of Out-Of-Work Children With Jobs 12.14.09

After centuries of chronic unemployment, millions of small children across the United Kingdom saw their lives drastically improve when the Industrial Revolution at long last provided them with steady factory work regardless of age, size, or experience. more»

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Real Estate

Live in the house where you probably lost your virginity!

VirginityJust about everybody hooked up at the high school parties Ron Haase threw at his folks' place. Now they're packing up and moving to a retirement community in Charlotte. So why not make love to your wife in the same room in which you awkwardly penetrated that weird girl from AP Chemistry? Reference #83484567

Real Estate

Home…at last!

HomeProfoundly warm and inviting, this perfect residence has everything you desire. Sounds expensive, right? Well, rejoice, for your true home is not an opulent building of brick or wood, but rather a state of mind: comfortable, secure, and forever welcoming. Reference #22218734

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