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Tyler Allen For Mayor
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Reconnecting ALL of Louisville, Unleashing OUR Potential, Promoting REAL growth


Jan 30 2010 11.45 AM

Field is set and the race has begun. READ MORE

Vision, Passion, Our Future

For the first time in a generation we have a chance to talk as a community and chart the future for our city and the region together. Two vital things we need to see in our next leader are Vision and Passion.

Vision is the imagination to see what can be and the strength of character to pursue it. By embracing the different perspectives of our community, we will unleash the potential of all of Louisville.

Passion is about focus and drive. It means pursuing a goal in the face of powerful opposition. Passion is about inspiring those around you to work together. It's about feeling and connecting, embracing and engaging. Passion doesn't consume energy, it creates it.

Our Future...
The next leader of our community must have a clear vision for the future of this great city and the passion to pursue it on behalf of all of Louisville. With respect for our past and an inclusive engagement in the present we can have a big vision for the future.

Over the course of this campaign I hope you will be engaged in the process. I invite you to be a part of this moment by visiting often for updates, and by volunteering to work with our campaign. Be part of the vision. Be passionate about our future.





The Campaign Trail, Where we are going, where we have beenThe Campaign Trail, Where we are going, where we have been

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