Jackie Green
Jackie Green


Meeting the Challenges

The world is changing*

Louisville can plan for the changes or be overtaken by them. Yesterday’s vision will not meet tomorrow's challenge. Louisville needs visionary leadership with a plan.

Portland, Oregon Streetcar

Louisville will meet the challenges of the twenty-first century by:

  • developing a great public transit system before building any new Ohio River bridge
    (8664 - River Fields - Build the Bridges Coalition) (Tolls)
  • establishing an urban services boundary (Louisville Loop - 21st Century Parks)
  • investing in the education of our children, not in a fleet of school buses
  • making our streets safe enough to walk and bicycle
  • giving school assignment preferences to students who will walk and/or bicycle to school
  • reducing public infrastructure subsidies for new fringe neighborhoods
  • developing a low energy, a clean energy, diverse, strong economy
  • reducing our local economy’s huge fuel dependency (Cheap, plentiful fuel)
  • investing in our urban center
  • creating a city center that is liveable, not just a place to work and then party til dawn
  • investing in the liveability of our established neighborhoods
  • improving affordable housing within our neighborhoods
  • reducing mobile source pollution of air and water
  • reducing impermeable surfaces
  • increasing urban gardening/agriculture
  • supporting and diversifying regional agriculture
  • leading state government to change law and funding mechanisms supportive of this agenda
  • backing up our unequivocal message to Frankfort with unwavering commitment within Metro government
Jackie Green is the only candidate that has embraced a bold, cohesive strategy
to improve Louisville’s land use, health, education, transportation, environment, and economy.

* The world is changing.
  • World human population is rapidly approaching 7 billion.
  • Global climate change will result in the dislocation of many of that 7 billion.
  • Billions live below “the poverty line”.
  • Current material consumption levels are unsustainable.
  • The fulfilled aspirations of the impoverished billions will further increase material consumption.
  • The unfulfilled aspirations of the impoverished will not result in an outpouring of good will toward those who are better off.
  • Foundational life supporting organisms are threatened by increasing ocean acidification.
  • We are beginning to experience a lack of equilibrium in the global economy.
  • Carbon taxes are approaching.
Louisville will feel the impact of these changes.
Will we plan for or ignore the coming changes?

Louisville has played a largely unwitting role in creating these changes.
Will we play a positive, creative role in the future?
Will we consider intergenerational and intercultural justice, hyperconsumption and hypermobility as we strive to build a prosperous, healthy, beautiful, peaceful Louisville and earth?

Paid for by:  Campaign Fund for Jackie Green