The Official Website of

The Corbet Family of the Channel Islands

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Corbet Family Heraldic Pendant

ca. 13th - 14th century Norman Corbet Family Heraldic Pendant

Image courtesy Private Collection.

Welcome to the Official Corbet Family of the Channel Islands website.  This site is dedicated to Corbet family members and their descendants of the Corbet family having origins in the Channel Islands, United Kingdom. 

The following information found within these pages represents a genealogical survey of Corbet born individuals their ancestors and their descendants from the Channel Islands including Guernsey, Sark, Jersey, Herm. Alderney and surrounding islands.  Research on the Corbet family has been primarily cited by sources in Guernsey and Jersey, which house predominantly original documentation on the family surname and specific family members.  Secondary sources of information have been cited by the Trustees of the Corbet Family of Channel islands Collections (CFCIC).

We hope you will enjoy this website and invite anyone interested to contribute information by emailing or sending us a Blog.

Thank you.