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For Governors' Spouses

About the NGA Governors' Spouses' Program
The NGA Governors' Spouses' Program was formally established in 1985 in recognition of governors' spouses' evolving role and responsibilities, and the critical contributions they make to state government. Governors' spouses help to raise public awareness about important issues, and they support a range of initiatives at the local, state and national levels. The Spouses' Program provides the nation's governors' spouses with opportunities to learn about the latest research, trends and activities in their areas of interest, and to share experiences and advice with colleagues about their unique concerns and responsibilities.

History of Spouses and Leadership at NGA

Current Governors' Spouses

  • Spouses' Bios: HTML | PDF
  • Spouses' Initiatives (State-by-state summary of governors' spouses primary initiative(s)/areas of interest)

Resources for Governors' Spouses and their Staff

  • NGA Publications (Link to specific listing of online publications for Governors' Spouses, Spouses' Assistants and Residence Managers)
  • Roster of Governors and Spouses (Includes Governors' political affiliations, terms of office, listing of Governors' Spouses, and addresses)