Create a New GameFAQs Account

Welcome to GameFAQs! Using the form below, you can register a new account for use on GameFAQs, or any other CNET Entertainment site. With a GameFAQs account, you can:

  • Post on the message boards
  • Always be able to vote in the Poll of the Day
  • Customize the look and feel of the site
  • Enter contests
  • Contribute FAQs, cheats, reviews, and much more
  • Use the same login on other CNET Games & Entertainment sites like GameSpot, and

Most importantly, a GameFAQs account is totally and completely FREE. Registration is simple, quick, and won't cost you a dime. You must be 13 years or older to register.

Don't forget, if you already have an account on GameSpot,, or, you don't need to register again, just log in using the same e-mail and password.

Create a New GameFAQs Account

Information About You
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Street Address):
(Line 2, Optional)
ZIP/Postal Code:
Date of Birth:
Your Login Information
E-mail Address:
Must be valid, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail
User Name:
Must conform to site naming standards (no offensive, impersonating, or disruptive names)
At least 6 characters long
Confirm Password:
Re-type your password to confirm

By selecting the "I agree" box, you indicate that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
I Agree
