
27th December 2009, 07:30

Jumpy: We could've beaten Ravens

Hey, Jumpy, I think it is the right time to summarize your ups and downs following your first five events as MYM: IEM Dubai, DreamHack Winter 2009, Arbalet Cup Europe and WEM 2009 as well as the IEM Season 4 online qualification.

MYM.Jumpy: Well we started off with two great tournaments, coming second in Dubai and winning DreamHack Winter 2009. After that it was Arbalet we were really looking forward to until me, Delpan and pita got sick with high fever. Four days after Arbalet it was time to go to China with bad preparation due sickness and the tournament turned out to be a disaster for us, it was a whole new experience to be anti-strated and to play one match a day. But I belive with some hard work and new strats we'll see the IEM Dubai MYM that took everyone by storm.
And about IEM online qualification - we've always been a week internet team, I don't know why but its just the way it has been. But ofcourse it was sad for us to lose the rematch against Ravens after a 35hour long flight and then to play 1 hour after we landed in Stockholm.

The weird thing is that you failed to perform on the same level at Arbalet Cup Europe and WEM 2009 as you did in previous events, would you mind analyzing the reason for your fans? I know you were affected by illness at both events, any other reasons?

MYM.Jumpy: As I said we had three players with fever on Arbalet cup but I still think we managed to do OK. But WEM I belive it was our individual skill that was low and for me as an in-game leader it was a new experience to be anti-strated but those two things will not happend next time!

Most people would agree that MYM are the team that based on your outstanding aims rather than awesome tactics, so once you are out of shape and miss your shots at an event, the matches will not be yours. Do you agree with this?

MYM.Jumpy: No don't really just becuse we have so great aimers in our team we still have a smart way of playing the game. I don't belive you can just have 5 hardshooting players running around in hope for better times. But we are using the fact that we have such great aimers into our tactics. But I belive we proved our self strat-wise if we're looking at Dreamhack and dubai we had alot of good tactic play in our game to.

What are you going to do in the new year if you want to keep in good shape at every event? Would you discuss some deep tactics in order to have better team play?

MYM.Jumpy: Well for next event of course our aim is going to be ready but I will also come up with new strat a new gameplan so teams can't anti-strat us.

Is it possible for MYM to combine your aims and tactics-wise in future just like fnatic and mTw? If so, what will be the differences compared to the current MYM?

MYM.Jumpy: I don't think we'll never play like mTw they have such a diffrent game then us and I don't belive that will fit our team. I think we'll continue to play the same style as we have just some new moves added on it *smiles*

Let's talk about something that happened recently. Roskilde Ravens complained that you used a defuse bug on de_train where you won 16:14 and it was the bug that helped you win the map by such a small margin. If you had not used the bug, the match should have been ended up in their victory. What do you think about this?

MYM.Jumpy: At first I belived you were allowed to do it becuse it doesnt say anything in the rules plus that I did the same thing last year on IEM3 qualify with Blank. But the defuse only affected that round becuse we had the lead with 8-2 and alot of money plus that we won only one round after that. I belive if we would have lost that round we still would have won the game.

Then there was a rematch between MYM and Roskilde Ravens, which saw you lose both games on de_inferno and de_train. Had the date been postponed to a later one, do you think you could have won the crucial match? The rematch took place on the same date when you just arrived in Sweden from WEM 2009, were all of the players must have been extremely tired after the long trip and jetlag?

MYM.Jumpy: Yeah it was really sad for us to have to play the match 1 hour after landing from a 35 hour flight and I belive we would have won if it was on an other day.
We already beaten them twice once on LAN once on the internet.

Do you think the committee's decision was fair considering the rematch had to be played right after MYM came back to Sweden?

MYM.Jumpy: The thing is Ravens couldn't play after the 22nd and we couldnt play before becuse we were in China. We were afraid that admin would've ruled in their favor if we couldn't play on the 22nd.

fnatic have won 6 championships in 2009 after claiming the WEM 2009 title, which increased their winning prize purse to around $175,622. (Please note: The figure of money here has been converted using an online converter and added up to get the final total. This may be wrong with the impact of this years recession or exchange rates variability!) Can MYM break the record in 2010?

MYM.Jumpy: It depends how many events we'll attend and how much experience we gained this last 6 month. It's really hard to come top 3 at so many tournaments you need expeirence to do that. Don't count us out 2010, we'll be back *smiles*

What do you think of current state of e-Sports and the recession having a big impact the prize purses at tournaments being cut down?

MYM.Jumpy: I think 2009 was really good considering economical problems it has been the last year.

Thank you for the interview, the last words are yours.

MYM.Jumpy: Thank you all that is supporting us. We'll be back in 2010 stronger than ever! And I would like to thank our sponsors and FSHOST.


Comments (6)


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(2 weeks ago)  #1 dexter1ty
keep up hard work! :] and the results will also coming, like in Dreamhack, gl for the upcoming season
(2 weeks ago)  #2 w067000
yeah i hope so and thx :P
哥抽得不是烟,是寂寞 rofl
(2 weeks ago)  #3 YoSnail
"Anti-strated" -- is this a CS term?
(2 weeks ago)  #4 The1Crow
Good read. And Albert always hard working :)
Some ppl come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay ever!
(2 weeks ago)  #6 w067000
thx and i bet you r right :P
哥抽得不是烟,是寂寞 rofl
(2 weeks ago)  #5 Punkyy
GOOD interview , really enjoyed it! :)

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