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Merit: helped an All is Fighter member with a problem.
Title: Assistant
Type: Contributions, level 1
badge whore
Merit: is a shameless badge whore. Mods beware.
Title: Badge Whore
Type: Contributions, level 1
Merit: did something funny.
Title: I Gots Jokes
Type: Contributions, level 1
guiding light
Merit: wrote an informative guide on the All is Fighter forum.
Title: The Write Stuff
Type: Contributions, level 1
Merit: generously volunteered time to help the All is Fighter staff.
Title: Helpful
Type: Contributions, level 1
Merit: positively represents All is Fighter and actively brings new users to the site.
Title: Advocate
Type: Contributions, level 1
Merit: impressed a staff member by doing something smart.
Title: Smart
Type: Contributions, level 1
Merit: is a troll. Please ignore anything said by this user.
Title: Troll
Type: Contributions, level 1
Merit: contributed art to AiF.
Title: Artisan
Type: Contributions, level 2
Merit: made a suggestion that was used by the AiF staff!
Title: Suggestive
Type: Contributions, level 2
Merit: has at least five friends.
Title: Friendly
Type: Friends, level 1
well known
Merit: has at least twenty-five friends
Title: People Know Me
Type: Friends, level 2
Merit: has at least fifty friends.
Title: Popular
Type: Friends, level 3
kind of a big deal
Merit: has at least one hundred friends!
Title: Almost Famous
Type: Friends, level 4
maybe TOO popular
Merit: has at least two hundred friends!!
Title: Famous
Type: Friends, level 5