Fun stuff!

Bored of our forum? Wondering about some other cool things you can do on All is Fighter? Here's a quick overview!
Badges are our way of rewarding active members of the All is Fighter community for their various contributions and accomplishments. We give lots of badges for all sorts of things: for winning tournaments, for writing a guide on the forum, answering a trivia question, or just for being a popular person! Badges go on your profile and also grant you a special title that you can put next to your name and under your forum posts. It's a great way to show off your special accomplishments!
All is Fighter users have their own blog that they can use to write more personal notes about games, life, or anything else. It functions like most blogging systems: access your blog through the Me menu and then view, modify, or post entries as you like. Other users will see your public posts on your profile and can comment on your entries, giving another great way for gamers to get to know each other on a more personal basis.
OK, now we're really getting ridiculous. Beach balls are silly toys that get "passed" around the site from user to user. Did you ever go to a sports game as a kid and spend half the event waiting for a beach ball to be hit your way? Well, that's what we hope to recreate with our little toys. Although you do earn badges for hitting beach balls, their primary purpose is to be silly and make you smile. Check your Me page to look out for beach balls that come your way, then pass them on to your friends!
Fighter Score
You might notice that profiles have a small "S" icon with a number on it. That number represents a user's Fighter Score, a simple system that awards points for taking part in our site! For now, the best way to get Fighter Score points is to earn badges; the two go hand in hand, and you can even see how many points a particular badge is worth from its summary page. As the site moves forward, though, we'll start opening up new ways to earn points, from winning tournament matches to answering trivia questions to simply being in the right place at the right time!