
Kellysearch is committed to being the fastest, most reliable and easiest to navigate online business search tool in the world. It has been designed to help businesses find the supplier they need quickly and efficiently, from OEMS, components and consumables to distribution and support services.

The global database of over 2 million companies and over 200,000 product categories, as well as trade names and brand names, are continually updated and are free for users to search. New company listings are welcomed, free of charge, via the 'Add my company' link on the website. Over 100,000 users currently visit the site every day making Kellysearch one of the world's busiest business-to-business search communities.

It's highly accurate targeting of user needs and innovative promotional opportunities also make Kellysearch a valuable marketing tool enabling suppliers to showcase their products and services to the world.

The Kellysearch database now contains information on manufacturers and suppliers in the United Kingdom (UK) of Great Britain (GB) - England, Scotland and Wales - and Northern Ireland (NI), as well as United States of America (USA), Canada, Australia, Ireland (Eire) and many other countries around the world.

Product Categories

A to Z index

An alphabetical listing of all the products, services and companies on our global database.

Top 20 products currently being searched-for

These are currently the most popular products on our database. Click on the links below to view a list of the companies (manufacturers, suppliers) matching that product.

Information pages within Kellysearch containing useful information such as contacts, news, services and advertising opportunities:

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Useful links

The following search engines are excellent for general searching:









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