Kellysearch Help

How do I use Kellysearch?

You can search for suppliers by the product or service they provide, by company name or by trade or brand name. You can create global lists of suppliers or you can search for suppliers by country, state or city.

To start your search, just type your terms in the search box that appears in the top left corner of each page of the site. Then click the ‘Find it’ button. Our site is designed to be simple, easy and fast so you get the information you need as quickly as possible.

We also have an advanced search designed to help you find the supplier you need.

What types of companies will I find on Kellysearch?

You’ll find information on companies from around the world that manufacture or distribute a product or service. Core sectors include engineering, plastics, catering, manufacturing materials, construction, logistics and electronics.

How can I get my company listed on Kellysearch?

If your company is a bona fide B2B trading company then you can be listed on our site free of charge. Visit My Kellysearch to find out more.


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