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IMDb > "Password" (1961)
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"Password" (1961) More at IMDbPro »TV series 1961-1975

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User Rating:
7.6/10   103 votes
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Release Date:
2 October 1961 (USA) more
Game-Show more
Two celebrity-contestant teams compete to guess words by giving one-word clues in this all-time classic game show.
Plot Keywords:
Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys. Another 2 wins & 2 nominations more
User Comments:
Maybe the *best* game show ever... more


 (Series Cast Summary - 2 of 103)
Allen Ludden ... Himself - Host / ... (100 episodes, 1961-1975)

Elizabeth Montgomery ... Herself (86 episodes, 1966-1975)

Additional Details

Also Known As:
"Password All-Stars" (USA) (new title)
30 min (2655 episodes)
Black and White (1961-1966) | Color (1966-1967 and 1971-1975)
Sound Mix:

Fun Stuff

When Jack Benny appeared as a celebrity guest on the game show 'Password (1961)', he got the word "miser" and gave his first clue as, "Me!" thus bringing down the house. more
[the final ABC telecast on 13 June 1975]
Host: Some time, somewhere, some day there will be another game show, but never one with the class of this one.
Movie Connections:
Featured in "I Love the '70s: Volume 2" (2006) more
Password Theme more


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6 out of 7 people found the following comment useful:-
Maybe the *best* game show ever..., 2 November 2000
Author: robroy45 from Ottawa, Canada

"Password" was one of those rare game shows in which contestants had to rely on mental abilities *other* than memory. Contestants on games such as "Jeopardy" and "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" rely on their memories, or those of others, to come up with answers.

Unfortunately, the game placed people who do not have a great command of the English language at a disadvantage. People who have English as a second language may not have done too well in this game.

Nevertheless, "Password" demanded that the contestant make an intellectual effort to take a word (idea) and convey it someone else. That kind of effort takes imagination and insight in the nuances of language to do well. It's a cerebral game; maybe that's why Allen Ludden said: "Some time, somewhere, some day there will be another game show, but never one with the class of this one."

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