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  • He Said-She Said: What's Wrong with Me?- Cliff Young & Laura MacCorkle

    A reader says: "I am 28 years old and have never been asked out. I understand that the guy should do the pursuing, but what does it mean when no one is pursuing? I would just like to know what I'm doing wrong." See what "he" and "she" have to say in response.

  • Trusting God's Timing - Greg Laurie

    I have discovered that God's timing is just as important as God's will. In fact, the Bible talks a lot about timing.

  • The Single Life: How to Be the Perfect Guest- Susan Ellingburg

    Fear not! For behold, I bring you good tidings of great usefulness: tips on how to be a fabulous guest. You do want to be invited back, right? Follow theses simple guidelines (there's a set for dinner parties and a set for office parties), and you'll be a hostess favorite in no time.

  • Turn Lonely Holidays into Feasting Holy Days- Julie Ferwerda

    I've had many people ask, "I'll bet the holidays are going to be really hard for you this year, huh?" I have lots of reasons why they could be depressing or devastating, but this year I have a new attitude—a new hope.

  • OYB December 24 -- Julie Ferwerda
    Don't forget to make time to read the Word today! Good stuff...
  • OYB December 23 -- Julie Ferwerda
    Huge day of connecting dots between Ezra, Zechariah, and Revelation! Find out who the two witnesses are, and how they fit into end times. Also find out...

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