Zen Coding – VS Studio Plugin

by Bill Beckelman 28. November 2009 12:13
Last week I saw an article on Ajaxian about Zen Coding which is a way to generate html markup and css from css selectors. Something like div#Dialog>fieldset>ol>li*3>label + a hotkey will create: Code Snippet <div id="Dialog">     <fieldset> ... [More]

How to Use Visual Studio jQuery IntelliSense Supported Through Hotfix

by Bill Beckelman 8. November 2008 10:14
Jeff King, Program Manager for Visual Studio Web Tools blogged VS2008 SP1 Hotfix to Support "-vsdoc.js" IntelliSense Doc Files on Friday. The HotFix (VS2008 SP1 only) allows Visual Studio to find "-vsdoc.js" files that have commenting for IntelliSense in the same folder as a script file linked to fr... [More]

Visual Studio - Launch Chrome, FireFox and Internet Explorer All at the Same Time

by Bill Beckelman 2. September 2008 21:10
I have been trying out Chrome this evening and it came to mind it sure would be nice to launch all the browsers I test with at once. It took a little searching, but I found this article from a year ago with the answer. I knew about right clicking an aspx file and choosing "Browse With...", but I nev... [More]

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About Me

I live and work in Salt Lake City, Utah. My background is in aviation. I have a degree in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ. I have worked as a commercial airline pilot and most recently as a technical advisor for a charter airline.